Credit: Cara Fields
This bloke keeps photobombing his wife’s work Zoom calls
As you no doubt know from our Self-Isolation Compilations, entertainment’s been a bit thin on the ground for plenty of quarantined families. Yeah, nah, don’t get us wrong, we know people are making the best of things, but they’ve also had to dig deep to find ways to alleviate the boredom. For Cara Fields, that meant her husband was going to take every opportunity to f**k with her while she was on calls for work.
Cara, the Marketing Chief of Staff at Elanco, an Indiana-based animal health company, has been trying to maintain the perfect work/life balance in quarantine. Her husband, though, he’s all about bringing a bit of fun into the business arena.

Credit: Cara Fields
As Cara said online, “My husband has a new quarantine hobby of Zoom bombing my conference calls. The colleagues I’m meeting with always see him before I do. Never a dull moment in this household.”

Credit: Cara Fields
As you can see from the photos, the bloody legend has got a whole range of costumes, and he sneaks up on her videos and makes the most of them.

Credit: Cara Fields
“He has always loved wearing ridiculous things in public to embarrass me. So when I converted our dining room into an office where my camera faced the dining room table, he saw a virtual opportunity to embarrass me during the pandemic.”

Credit: Cara Fields
She reckons that he started with cowboy hats, hunting gear, and Hawaiian shirts, but s**t escalated pretty quickly. “Friends started mailing him Halloween costumes. I’m told that more costumes are in transit!”

Credit: Cara Fields
Cara isn’t the only one amused by the cheeky bugger’s antics, though. “My colleagues love this. It’s so strange to see a team of people laughing while you’re presenting, and then realizing something ridiculous is going on behind you.”

Credit: Cara Fields
“They almost always see him before I do. It has definitely helped people remember to stop and laugh during these times.”

Credit: Cara Fields
Final thought: Seriously, Cara needs a top sheila award for being a bloody good sport. As we know from past stories, not everyone in the workplace has a sense of humour. Still, all’s well that ends well, and Cara seems to be taking it in good spirits. Good s**t, Cara. This top sheila award is all yours!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Self-Isolation Compilation #3