Credit: @deepraaajjj
11 images of Rihanna looking like a snack
One of our greatest joys here at Ozzy Man Reviews is a simple pun. Deadset, there’s really nothing quite like someone taking something fun and figurative in the English language and twisting it into a literal interpretation for the sake of humour. Deadset, it might be the fact a lot of us are dads, but that s**t speaks to our soul. And, you know what else speaks to our soul, don’t you? That’s right, food. So when a Twitter user by the name of deepraj heard someone say Rihanna looked like a snack, he decided to take the piss…

Credit: @deepraaajjj
All right, we’ll be honest, when we first heard of this one, our gut reaction was to think that it was probably a load of s**t. Don’t get us wrong, the internet comes up with some good stuff, but celebrities looking like ACTUAL food. Yeah, nah.

Credit: @deepraaajjj

Credit: @deepraaajjj

Credit: @deepraaajjj

Credit: @deepraaajjj
Of course, we were wronger than a dingo’s donger. This s**t isn’t just a bit dry and wryly amusing, it’s f**ken spot-on! Deadset, have a look at these and tell us this isn’t possibly one of the best things you’ve seen all year.

Credit: @deepraaajjj

Credit: @deepraaajjj

Credit: @deepraaajjj
Seriously, bloody deepraj has outdone himself with this one. He’s clearly got a keen eye for detail. Also, we reckon he must have been hungry when he came up with the comparisons, because he had some bloody good food in mind, don’t ya reckon?

Credit: @deepraaajjj

Credit: @deepraaajjj

Credit: @deepraaajjj
Final thought: Yeah, nah, this was bloody good fun. Seriously, we’re loving the bizarre takes on celebrities that 2020 is bringing. We’ve had 50 Cent as a whole bunch of other celebs and we’ve now got Rihanna as Indian food. You’ve got a long way to go yet, 2020, but hopefully this isn’t the only thing we have to look back on at year’s end.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Self-Isolation Compilation #3