Credit: The Busanilbo
Drunk captain smashes cargo ship into South Korean bridge
Does anyone else remember the sequel to the Speed movie, Speed 2? We do, and if you’re wondering how they managed to top the legendary first movie, it was simple. Speed, but on a ship and with added Willem Defoe. Anyway, long story short, that ship was headed straight for the mainland – just like the one in this video. What makes this one even more exciting than the Speed 2 version is that it’s real and instead of Willem Defoe, it has drunk Russians!

Credit: The Busanilbo
You knew it was only a matter of time before we added more Russian goodness to the site, you cheeky buggers, so don’t act surprised. Anyway, in the video you’ll see down below, you can watch the ship just f**ken plough into the bridge.

Credit: Google Maps

Credit: The Busanilbo
As the story goes, the South Korean Coastguard was trying to contact the captain for bloody yonks before it happened, but they just couldn’t get through to him. As you can see from the map, the ship was travelling in the completely opposite direction to its intended course.

Credit: The Busanilbo
Yeah, nah, it’s almost like someone fell asleep on the control panel and caused the ship to veer off course. Obviously, we have no evidence to back that up, but it’s only fair to say that the Russian captain had a blood-alcohol level of 0.083.That’s pretty f**ken impressive when you consider that he’s only allowed one of 0.03.

Credit: The Busanilbo
Anyway, with the collision f**ken imminent, cars on the bridge slow the f**k down and presumably wait for Spider-Man to save them. Wait, no, wrong Willem Defoe movie. We won’t go through the moment of impact for you – that’s for you to watch – but there was some damage done.
And, for what it’s worth, although the Coastguard is holding the ship now, the cheeky bloody captain did reverse out and try to get away.

Credit: The Busanilbo
Final thought: You’ve gotta be thankful that this wasn’t a much bigger tragedy. A few more cars on that bridge. A little bit more speed. That’s a proper recipe for carnage. Thank f**k no one was killed (we think).
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Window Battle