Cheeky bloke adds his ex-girlfriends to a group chat to wish them Merry Ex-Mas
We’ve said it before and there’s absolutely no doubt we’ll say it again, but the sun shines down on smartasses everywhere. The world loves them, and we f**ken love having a chuckle at their antics as well. Especially when they’re as bloody cheeky as Tom’s in an insane viral group-chat that’s been doing the rounds this Christmas. Anyway, check this sh*t out.

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Apparently, Tom was sitting around by himself in the lead-up to Christmas, and he’d had a few drinks. Judging by his train of thought, he’d certainly had a beverage or two, and considering his line about being lonely this Christmas, he might have given himself a hand-shandy too.

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Anyway, being a resourceful fella, he considers all of his past loves and he decides it’d be a good idea to wish them all Merry Ex-Mas and see what happens. Who knows, if he gets lucky, he gets lucky, and if he doesn’t, he has a good bloody chortle and a story for the boys later on.

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So, moving onto the messages, as you can see, it goes about as well as you’d expect in the initial stages. The girls start bickering. One of them, Bella, certainly has some unresolved issues, and she goes – like most exes – straight for the f**ken throat.

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Then there’s Lisa. Lisa seems to be the most sensible and mature of all the girls. She doesn’t say anything; she just thinks f**k this sh*t and makes her exit. Steph is clearly the mother-figure of the group. She brings up Mum and lets Tom know that people are worried about him – most probably because of stunts like this. Yeah, she, er, sounds like a blast.

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Finally, there’s Gemma. Gemma is clearly far enough removed to find all of this funny – and if Steph does secretly have a point, she’s there to help Tom through it. Despite her initial bickering with Bella, you can see she’s enjoyed the chat.

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Final thought: Regardless whether or not this was a dick-move, you can’t deny that it’s got a beautifully twisted sense of humour about it. Let us know your thoughts in the comments. Whom would you rather have in your life, a Gemma, a Lisa, a Bella, or a Steph?
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Mega Compilation #8