WATCH: Pro Biker Takes On The Skyline Rotorua Luge Track in New Zealand, The Result Is Awesome
If you haven’t heard of Sam Pilgrim before, he is a Pro Freeride mountain biker seems to have one of the best jobs in the world. Lending weight to that claim is video that has surfaced of him and a bunch of his mates going down the Skyline Rotorua luge track in New Zealand . And just for good measure there is a bit of fuck you nah fuck you hustle all the way down.
To be honest I hadn’t heard of it, but after checking out the footage is now on my top 10 list of things to do this year.
It looks like you are riding an non motorised kart down a steep track. All you need are item boxes, shells and bananas and you have a full blown real life Mario Kart! Sam has brought a whole bunch of mates and it’s obvious he has quite some skill on a fast moving vehicle, as he easily overtakes 5, then 10 of his mates.
At one point one of his mates flies off the track but it turns out there’s another track on the other side of the grass. Just how big is this place? It said that they reached speeds of 57kmph going down that hill, which is fast enough to have a pretty nasty accident. Hey, at least they are wearing helmets.
The only thing that I would change about this race is the length! It’s not long enough mate – I’ve seen those Red Bull videos of blokes taking up to 10 minutes to get down a hill. If I was going to travel overseas to do this I’d want to do it over and over and over and over again.
Watch the video here:
H/T: Shock Mansion