Credit: Facebook/Debbie Geddes
Sheila catches fish with two mouths!
One of the oldest fishing clichés in the book is the act of pulling up something unexpected. You know, like a boot. But while that’s an old chestnut, it’s got bloody nothing on the bizarre fish New York angler Debbie Geddes pulled out of the water on a recent fishing expedition. Yeah, nah, this sheila’s only gone and caught a fish with two bloody mouths. Check it out!
Perhaps what we like best about this story is the simple fact that there’s photographic evidence of the fish. We all know that fishermen – and women – are among the biggest bulls**t artists to walk the earth, so having some verifiable evidence of what seems, at first, like a pretty outlandish claim, is a bloody boon.

Credit: Facebook/Debbie Geddes
Having said that, get a bloody look at this big bewdiful fella. At first glance, he seems like any normal fish, but when you let that glance linger for a second on the big bloody orifice beneath its chomper, you’ll notice that it’s got what looks like two bloody mouths!
Debbie caught the fish last week while out fishing with her husband, but she reckons she wasn’t convinced it was that impressive. Still, when she details landing the Piscean little prick, you can tell she was a bit more excited than she lets on.

Credit: Facebook/Debbie Geddes
“I actually commented, ‘I hope it’s as big as it feels!’ When we got it in the boat I couldn’t believe what I was seeing! Two mouths! And yet this fish was healthy and thriving! Pretty amazing!”
Now, it’d be remiss of us not to mention Blinky from The Simpsons here, so we’ll do that by pointing out that some reckon the pollution in the lake is responsible for the fish’s mutant mouth. Adam Facteau, Debbie’s mate, reckons, “Lake Champlain is known for being a sewage dumping ground from Canada and (Vermont).”
Others reckon the deformity’s been caused by an old injury. Deb’s in that boat. “I just can’t believe all the attention this has received. The public’s responses/theories are quite interesting, to say the least. I personally believe it was caused by a previous injury, most likely from another angler.”
Having taken a few snaps with the little critter, Deb threw him back in the water so he can freak the s**t out of someone else later on.

Credit: Facebook/Debbie Geddes
Final thought: Whatever the reason for the mutation, you’ve gotta admit it’s pretty bloody freaky looking. Let us know if you’ve ever caught anything like it in the Facebook comments.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Destination F**ked Compilation 10
Video Link: My NBC5-WBTz