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Apple fanboys react to its $1000 computer stand
It’s probably fair to say there are two types of people in the world: those who don’t bother with Apple products and those who love to get rorted for gimmicky s**t. And that’s okay; each to their own and all that. Fans of Apple are fans because they don’t mind paying a premium for their tech, but after Apple announced its $1000 computer stand, even hardcore fans are feeling a little sceptical…

Credit: Fair Use

Credit: Fair Use

Credit: Fair Use
If you’re not exactly sure what’s going on with Apple right now, let us take you to Apple’s Worldwide Developer’s Conference in San Jose. That’s where the company was busy doing its usual thing and impressing the skiddies out of their audience with a whirlwind launch of new tech.

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Credit: Fair Use

Credit: Fair Use
Among the new releases, there’s a whole bunch of cool s**t. They’ve announced their most powerful computer ever, the Mac Pro, and its monitor, the Pro Display XDR. Those bad boys cost six-thousand US and five-thousand US respectively. Nevertheless, those present f**ken loved it.

Credit: Fair Use

Credit: Fair Use

Credit: Fair Use
And then they announced how much the monitor stand was gonna cost. And this is where s**t got interesting. It’s not normal for Apple fans to be disgruntled with the tech giant, but when they announced that this simple monitor stand was going for a cool thousand (US), they moaned so loud, anyone passing by would know Apple had just slipped ‘em the weasel.

Credit: Fair Use

Credit: Fair Use

Credit: Fair Use
Naturally, the Internet responded in rapid fashion. F**ken memes started popping up like boners in an adult theatre. We’ve gathered a few for you to have a f**ken gander at. Memes, that is. Not boners. Find your own boners, ya kinky buggers.

Credit: Fair Use

Credit: Fair Use

Credit: Fair Use
Final thought: It’s pretty understandable that people groan at something that unnecessarily expensive. After all, when it’s a bit of standard f**ken tech, it’s a bit rich to charge people through the arse for it. Nevertheless, people will eat the s**t up regardless. If you’ve got any memes of your own, whack ‘em in the comments section.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: WTF Happened in May 2019
Video Link: Simon Savitt