Ozzy Man Reviews: Game of Thrones – Season 6 Episode 10
Longest review I’ve made coming in at over 10 minutes there.
Thanks for your patience ladies and gents.
WOW! Just. Fucken. Wow. I’m sure many of us have been walking around saying: “no way battle of the bastards can ever be topped.” Well, this episode gives it a fair dinkum run for its money. Balls to the wall awesomeness.
There is so much to discuss…
My video review is below. Get cracking on that and then it will be time for a chat:
There was a collection of fantastic scenes in that episode! One thing I can’t get over though was the music composition. It’s felt refreshed and awesome for two weeks in a row now.I dunno if the director pushed the composer or what, but gee whiz I can’t get over the music.
It’s also difficult to get over R + L = J. Mr. Jon Snow ladies and gents (not his real name). The best genes in the 7 kingdoms that man. Targaryen. Stark. He’s so bloody hot right now.
What were some of your favourite scenes?
How pumped are you for season 7 (and book 6) !?
As I mentioned at the end of the video… I’m running an exclusive campaign on Teespring for “The Night is Dark and Full of Dickheads” t-shirt.
The campaign runs for 10 days. Blokes and ladies shirts available: http://www.teespring.com/dickheads
I’ll continue retro reviewing GoT in the off season. I’ll release about one review a month. I believe I’m up to Season 1 Episode 8. Almost time to have a look back over the Ned Head episode!
Aaaaand of course my YouTube channel and FB page will provide a constant stream of movie, wildlife, sports reviews etc.