This notorious UK racist was tricked into receiving an ‘award’ by YouTuber

This notorious UK racist was tricked into receiving an ‘award’ by YouTuber

Racists. Funnily enough, they usually are absolutely horrible people. Nah, yeah, we know that plenty of you out there in the comments section already know that, but if you’ve ever wondered just how hateful and horrible someone has to be in order to become one of their country’s ‘leading’ racists (if such a thing can exist), look no further than this epic f**ken prank. When internet prankster Josh Pieters tricks Katie Hopkins into receiving the C.U.N.T award, she takes the opportunity to spew one of the most hateful speeches we’ve heard in a long time…

With this being a fairly lengthy prank, there’s only so much we can say about it, but we’ll start with the basics.

Hopkins is well-known for her vitriolic hate-speech and racist opinions.

It’s no secret that she’s basically just a horrible human.

Credit: Josh Pieters

Noted YouTube prankster Josh Pieters is the kind of guy who sells microwaved meals on Deliveroo, while making some pretty engaging internet content. So when he turned his sights on Hopkins, and decided to trick her into receiving the C.U.N.T award, you knew things were going to be good.

Credit: Josh Pieters

We won’t break the whole thing down, but it’s a pretty elaborate set-up. Not only does he create the Campaign to Unite the Nation Trophy, but he also hires actors, sends Hopkins to Prague, films the whole thing, and plies the hateful sheila with alcohol so that she really tells people what she thinks of a wide swathe of minority groups.

Credit: Josh Pieters

We’re not gonna write down all the things she says in her acceptance speech. We just don’t reckon it needs to be pasted here and given some agency when you can watch it in the video. Needless to say, she’s foolishly confident that she’s among friends, and she doesn’t pull any punches. Have a watch and get some insight into just how miserable and hateful this sheila is.

Credit: Josh Pieters

As for Pieters, you’ve gotta love that he’s gone to all this trouble. Of course, you’ve gotta wonder why he chose to target Hopkins. After all, some could say that he’s giving her a platform. That’s not how he sees it, though.

Credit: Josh Pieters

“Why did Archie and I fly Katie Hopkins to Prague and give her a stupid fake award? The truth is there’s a lot of hate in this world, and people like Katie Hopkins spread that hate and make money from it. And she can do that because she has freedom of speech, but so do I, so I used it to combat her spreading of hatred by playing on her ego and making her look a bit silly.”

Credit: Josh Pieters

Final thought: It’s been documented before that the best way to combat people who seek to incite fear and hatred is to laugh at them. Usually, they operate by making people scared. Once they become a joke, their power diminishes. We don’t know if this will completely change the way the public sees Hopkins, but it can’t hurt. After all, a big part of her gimmick is being superior to others. Well, she can’t be that superior if she falls for something as silly as this. Also, f**k you, Katie. F**k you.

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Video Link: Josh Pieters