Credit: Louise Ann/Facebook
Legendary Nurse lets rip at group flouting lockdown laws
As you probably know, while most people are doing the right bloody thing, there are always a few f**kheads who just don’t give a monkey’s butthole about the fight to flatten the curve. Yeah, nah, you’ve only got to have a squiz at the number of pork chops who were fined over the Easter break here in Oz, to know that some people just don’t have any sense of community at all. That’s why we loved seeing this Pommy nurse f**ken give it to a bunch of young wankers in Basingstoke…
Of course, we’ll give you a caveat; we love to give the benefit of the doubt. You know we do. We don’t even like calling people wankers. Sometimes, though, you’ve just gotta take one for the team and blue the air with a bit of a serve. In this case, we reckon it’s justified. Especially when you see the way these drongoes carry on.

Credit: Louise Ann/Facebook
Here at home, we are successfully flattening the curve, but no one wants to be shut up at home for longer than they need to be. It’s hard work. Some countries haven’t been so lucky. These poor b**tards are still in the throes of Covid-19’s deadly f**ken dance, and when you’re a nurse, risking your own life to fight the good fight, it’s gotta piss you right the f**k off when a bunch of muppets are pissing it up in public.

Credit: Louise Ann/Facebook
In this case, that nurse was Louise Ann, a mother of two, and she was not f**ken having it. Deadset, have a watch as she unleashes the f**ken fury and puts the six young blokes on blast.
“My husband is not getting paid. I have to go in and do overtime all the time. I have got two kids in there. I have to go to work every day fearing I am going to be [a risk] to my family because of people like you! You are absolute idiots.”

Credit: Louise Ann/Facebook
We’ll let you watch how the rest of the vid goes, but these pricks don’t want a f**ken bar of her.
Final thought: Honestly, we know it’s tough, and if you haven’t seen anyone close to you catch it, it can be hard to qualify how real the threat is. In the UK where one day saw nearly a thousand people die, this s**t’s touchy as f**k right now. And really, no matter where you are, you just need to stay at home until you’re told otherwise. Anything else is just a dick move.
Furious #NHS nurse chases off mob who were ignoring the #lockdown rules and boozing in the sun!
Well done to this lady
#NHSheroes #nurses #NHSThankYou #StayHome #StayHomeSaveLives pic.twitter.com/zOeY3fTye4
— Binning Knives Saves Lives! (Courtney Barrett) (@KnivesSaves) April 11, 2020
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Mega Compilation 10
Video Link: Binning Knives Saves Lives (Originally from Louise Ann/Facebook, but since removed).