Credit: KFC
KFC slammed by Chinese authorities for ‘arousing panic buying’
If you’ve been to the supermarket lately, you might have noticed that the shelves are pretty f**ken bare. A lot of the blame for that can be split between panic buyers and supply chain shortages. As a result, Chinese authorities are extra-sensitive to anyone they think is inciting the need to panic buy. And that means KFC has copped a serve as a result of a promo they’ve been running…
Basically, KFC is celebrating its 35th anniversary in China. To celebrate, they’ve produced collectible plastic figurines. In turn, one bloke who wanted to collect them all accidentally set Chinese authorities on the fast-food giant.

Credit: KFC
Yeah, nah, he ordered 106 meals in one hit, hoping to get all the plastic collectibles before they ended up on eBay. The Chinese government took one look at this and said, “Yeah, nah, f**k you, KFC.”
They straight up put the Colonel on blast. Have a go at their statement:

Credit: KFC
“As a food retailer, KFC has induced and encouraged irrational buying of excessive meals. This is in violation of morals and norms, as well as the spirit of the law. KFC‘s fast food products are limited-use products. It is the characteristic of these kind of products to buy instant food on demand.”
They didn’t stop there, though. Yeah, nah, they kept putting the f**ken boot in.
“Usually, consumers do not buy too much. The company’s ‘marketing’ means to stimulate consumption, which can easily lead to impulsive consumption of consumers in order to obtain limited-edition blind boxes, and cause unnecessary food waste due to excessive purchases.”

Credit: KFC
Yeah, nah, that s**t’s not on KFC. How dare you stimulate consumption? Shame on you.
Final thought: Seriously, though, jokes aside, when products are on short supply, it can be tempting to try to horde them all. All we can say is that we can get through this. If everyone takes only what they need, we’ll be fine. Yeah, nah, we’ll be fine.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Destination F Compilation (vol #19)