Indonesian student has made a million bucks by uploading NFT selfies as a joke

Credit: Ghozali Everyday

Indonesian student has made a million bucks by uploading NFT selfies as a joke

We’ve no doubt you’ve all had a laugh at the idea of NFTs, but one thing we can’t deny is that people are out there spending money on them. Yeah, nah, it’s true. Just ask Sultan Gustaf Al Ghozali, a 22-yr-old Indonesian bloke who uploaded a bunch of selfies for a joke. The kid’s now a millionaire. Deadset…

OK, in pretty much the same token as last time we mentioned NFTs, we’re gonna give you this little precursor to the story. We’re still not a hundred per cent sure how they work. We’ve read up on it. We think we understand it, but it doesn’t feel right, so we’re gonna leave that bit out. After all, it’s not super-pertinent, and we wouldn’t wanna give you misleading info.

One bloke who is all over the way they work, though, is Sultan Gustaf Al Ghozali. This little legend has found himself with more cash than he can shake a stick at by selling NFT versions of his selfies.

He’d been taking a selfie every day as part of a project he was completing for his school graduation: a timelapse video of his face, which meant he took a photo every day for five years. All of this led to him uploading them to NFT marketplace OpenSea under the title “Ghozali everyday”.

Originally, the pics were being sold for $3, but after a celebrity chef snagged a couple, the price shot up and the rest is now history. Since then, more than 400 people have bought and traded more of his images and Ghozali has earned a cool 317 ether. Apparently, that’s equivalent to a million US dollars.

On his inspiration for putting them online to begin with, Ghozali says, “I was thinking it might be funny if one of the collectors collected my face. I never thought anybody would want to buy the selfies, which is why I only priced them at $3.”

Now, though, with money put aside for his dream of opening his own animation studio, Ghozali says, “I don’t understand why you want to buy #NFT photos of me !!! but I thank you guys for 5 years of effort paid off.”

Not bad work if you can get it.

Final thought: As we said above, we’ve no idea if this is just like winning the lotto or if we can all do this. If you’ve got the inside scoop, f**ken let us know in the comments section. See you there, you legends.

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Unexplainable S**t #2