Credit: PA Images/Sean Maitland
Rugby player celebrating huge win was still drinking 24 hours later in full kit
Ya know, it doesn’t matter what sport you’re into, when your team wins, you’ve just gotta celebrate like you’ve survived the long night at Winterfell – and that’s just the fans! If you’ve ever wondered how bloody epic the celebrations must be for some of the stars who actually win the big tournaments and claim the big accolades, you only need to look to Rugby player, Alex Goode…
Goode’s had what most of you b**tards would call a good season for his team, the Saracens.
He’s claimed victory in the Champions Cup Final, he’s been named the European Player of the Season and his team’s still got the Gallagher Premiership semi-final to go.

Credit: PA Images
It’s only natural then for the bloody champion to have a wee celebration drink. And by ‘wee celebration drink,’ we mean go on a 24-hour bender so bloody epic you forget to get changed. In fact, we mean a 24-hour bender so bloody stupefying you don’t even remember to take your boots off.

Credit: Sean Maitland
Clearly, Goode is pretty f**ken proud of his club. After all, upon receiving his European Player of the Season award, Goode said, “Every time I step out onto the field for Saracens it is a privilege for me. I love this place. It has been an incredible part of my life and winning with these guys is an incredible feeling.”
Anyway, at the tail end of claiming his third Champions Cup – in which time they remained unbeaten – Goode went celebrating. Judging by his outfit, Goode went directly to the pub upon receiving his awards and medals. When you consider that means he skipped out on the team shower, he must have had a mighty thirst!

Credit: Sean Maitland
He was seen twenty-four hours later, still adorned in full kit, and pissed as a parrot in the same pub. F**ken good on him.
Final thought: Look, at the end of the day, you do have to question whether he could have had a shower and slung a singlet, some stubbies and the old double-pluggers on, but you’ve got to give credit to the bloke for wearing his heart on his sleeve and celebrating as he saw fit. After all, he’s clearly worked hard to be where he is in his sport. Who’d begrudge him a little tipple?
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: WTF Happened in April 2019
Video Link: BT Sport