Santa rips off beard and tells kids to ‘get the f*ck out’ in huge grotto meltdown
Some actors take their craft pretty seriously. The history of the Oscars is the history of actors who’ve totally blurred the boundaries between their real-life personality and the character they’re playing in their latest role. Of course, not all actors go to such extremes. For some, acting is just a gig. It’s not a lifestyle. When that’s the case, it only takes the smallest mishap for them to break character. Sometimes, those character slips are more than marginal. Sometimes they’re close to full-blown meltdowns…
For this story, we need to travel to St Ives in Cambridgeshire in the UK. We’ll set the scene by explaining that we’re in Santa’s grotto and because it’s bloody cold in Pommyland right now, there are snivelling snot-nosed little kids coughing and spluttering everywhere. Mums and dads are stressed the f**k out, Christmas elves are bloody over it, and nearby, there’s another event going on. One with a smoke machine…
So, naturally, the bloody smoke-machine has set off the fire-alarm. Santa, meanwhile, he’s thinking of the endless court-cases and the eternal guilt he’d endure if someone’s little cherub f**ken carked it in his grotto. Long story short, he’s not having it. He breaks character. He freaks. The. F**k. Out!

The panicking actor rips off the beard. That alone is probably enough to traumatise some of the younger buggers, but what he does next takes the f**ken biscuit. “Get out! Get the f**k out!” he yells. We can only imagine that he’s kicking reindeer and elves out of the way, tossing kids towards the exits and screaming, “Save yourselves! Save your f**king selves!”
The parents, for their part, are f**ken mortified. When Santa loses it, they don’t know what to do. How dare this actor break role – even in the event of a possibly life-threatening evacuation? They told the kids that the man was not the real Santa, but an imposter who’d be going on the naughty list.
A spokesman for the company who organised Santa’s grotto said, “Santa was upstairs in his grotto… and immediately assisted in the evacuation of the building. We wish to apologize for any offense or distress caused to parents and children by the attempts to ensure all visitors and staff had exited the building and were safe.”
One mum, though, was still pissed. “My friend’s little boy was upset as his dad was carrying him when Santa told them ‘to get the f*** out.”
Another customer posted on Facebook that, “He came charging in, ripped his hat and beard off in front of 50 odd kids and started shouting and swearing at people to leave. You should be ashamed of yourself acting like that in front of children. There is no way he should be allowed near a child.”

Final thought: Look, we’re going to exercise the old ‘benefit-of-the-doubt’ refrain here. Sure, his methods didn’t really suit his audience, but he was trying to help. Fair’s fair. I’m pretty sure this is a far better alternative than death by inferno.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Parenting