Bloke pranks his best mate by setting up fake marriage proposal for his first date
Here in Ozzyland, we bloody well love to give our best mates heaps of s**t. There’s no malice in it. In fact, the general rule of thumb is that the more bloody full-on the prank or the more vulgar the insult, the more you like a bloke. That’s why we can appreciate this quality little set-up. Check it out…
Like all good bloody yarns, we’ve got to start at the beginning for you, so, here goes. Deano has been playing the field and trying to find himself a nice date. He needs a sheila in his life, and he’s doing what he can to make that happen. Hence, the fact he’s on a date with a new chick tonight.

Credit: Twitter/Edgie
And then there’s Edgie. Edgie’s a likely bloke, and when he finds out that Deano’s on a date, he knows just what to do. He calls up the restaurant and sets up a sly little surprise that’ll drop Deano right in the s**t. “I was gonna propose to my girlfriend,” he says. “Would someone be able to bring a plate out to say ‘will you marry me?’”

Credit: Twitter/Edgie
Needless to say, the chick on the phone thinks this is a bloody grouse idea and gets it all set up. The bloody manager is even in on it, writing the message in chocolate to ensure the proposal goes according to plan. Naturally, dessert rolls around, and Deano’s date – which already looks to be a bit of a fizzer – is about to get a lot more interesting.
We won’t spoil it for you here, but you can imagine what it’s like. Some sheilas just can’t bloody wait to tie the knot and start making babies. Is Deano’s new love that kind of girl? Is Deano himself gonna have some explaining to do? There’s only one way to find out…

Credit: Twitter/Edgie
Final thought: We love a bloody good prank video, and it’s even better when it leaves the victim with a lot of talking to do if they want to clear the air afterwards. F**ken good s**t, Edgie. Bet you can’t wait for the reprisal, though!
— Edgie (@Edg1e) February 23, 2019
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Quickest Dog Ever