Ozzy town comes up with a f*cken ripper pollution solution
No matter where you are in the world, you’re probably pretty unlikely to find someone who likes pollution. It’s unsightly, it’s bad for the environment, and even if you make your money from entrepreneurial enterprises that cause pollution, you’re probably gonna see it as an unfortunate side-effect that causes bad PR and not something you’re just over the f**ken moon about. Despite that, pollution is something that just seems to be getting worse and worse. As a result, cities everywhere are trying to come up with ways to prevent it. Any city whose struggles are ongoing would do well to look at the little Ozzy city of Kwinana…
Deadset, the folks in Kwinana have raised the f**ken stakes when it comes to preventing rubbish, trash and garbage from making its way into our waterways. Fair dinkum, their pollution solution is stopping sh*tloads of waste products making their way into the ocean.

Credit: City of Kwinana
Here’s how they did it: they put f**ken nets on their storm-drains. Talk about the art of simplicity. It’s a bloody solution Spider-Man himself would be proud of. In just four months, these nets have prevented over 370 kilos of sh*t from making their way into the ocean, and subsequently into the mouths of turtles, marine-birds and Dagon himself. On top of that, not a single critter has been caught in them.

Credit: Old Castle Infrastructure
As you can imagine, the city’s mayor, Carol Adams is pretty f**ken chuffed too. She said, “We know that the Kwinana community is very passionate about environmental initiatives and rallies around actions with positive environmental impact and if it was not for the drainage nets, 370kg of debris would have ended up in our reserve.”

Credit: Storm Water Systems

Credit: Storm Water Systems
Kwinana officials were so bloody happy with the result, they posted about it on Facebook and the post went viral. In 48 hours, it was shared 27 thousand times! Mayor Adams said, “The success of the post with over 27k shares, 92k likes and 13k loves in just 48 hours from people all over the world, just goes to show how important it is for government at all levels to really start to focus on environmental initiatives such as these and realise that small actions can have big impacts.

Credit: Storm Water Systems
Final thought: Bloody good shit, Kwinana. For this stellar effort, you are a bunch of top blokes and top sheilas. You get our seal of approval. Thanks, c**ts.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Destination F Compilation