Credit: Testicuzzi
Check out this Jacuzzi for ya balls!
Balls. They’re quite easily one of the most delicate parts of the male anatomy, but they still need a little love from time to time. Deadset, who hasn’t sat in a spa and enjoyed the pleasant sensation of the water cascading up from under their beanbag? Yeah, you know what I’m talking about, and so, apparently, does the company behind the new mini Jacuzzi just for your nads. Yeah, we’re not joking. The tesicuzzi – which probably should have been called bubble-o-balls – is a real product and its available now. Just in time for Christmas!
Created when its inventors were sitting around having a few beers and discussing the simple joy of plopping your spuds in the spa, showing your twins a little tenderness and giving your apple sack a little attention, this thing is tailor-made for the job.

Credit: Testicuzzi
The product’s website reckons, “What started out as a funny conversation between friends a year ago, quickly turned into a conversation of ‘We Should Totally Do This!’ The Testicuzzi was conceived in a conversation about Dating, Drinking and Random Trends.”

Credit: Testicuzzi
So basically, the inventors are living the dream. They haven’t just waffled on about doing something. They’ve actually gone ahead and done it.
According to its creators, “The Testicuzzi is the perfect gift for the man that genuinely cares about his testicles hap-penis. One dunk of the boys into this fine testicle jacuzzi is sure to tickle your fancy and sooth your manliness.”

Credit: Testicuzzi
“The Testicuzzi features an ultra-soft pre-cast silicone pillow to rest your largest member on, a deep reservoir to dunk the tea bag into, battery-powered bubbles and hours of pleasure.”
If this is something you’re really into, you might also want to invest in the limited edition gold-plated job. It’s only ten-grand, but you know the spunk bunkers deserve the best. Treat yourself.

Credit: Testicuzzi
Final thought: Look, we’ve got to say it, but we reckon this is a bloody great idea, and with Christmas coming up, you know exactly what’s going on the wish-list. So, Santa, if you’re out there, fill up your sack with some joy for our sack.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Ozzy Man Plays Borderlands 3
Video Link: Testicuzzi
H/T: VT.