Credit: ShitAdelaide
These bloody legends helped terrified koalas with nice cool drink during heatwave
In case you’ve been living under a rock, it’s been pretty f**ken hot here in Ozzyland lately. Deadset, with temperatures regularly climbing over forty degrees centigrade, the local humans have been sitting in ball soup and hiding in the air-con. Unfortunately, some of our local critters don’t have that luxury, and as more and more natural water-sources are drying up in the bush, animals like koalas are being seen more and more as they go searching for a drink.
Yeah, no s**t, the little furry legends have been properly f**ked on by our bushfires, finding themselves decimated by flames. On top of that, our f**kwit politicians aren’t helping by allowing land developers to bulldoze their habitat for a nominal fee.
No s**t, they actually allow that, and that’s pretty f**ked. Seriously, do better, Straya.

Credit: ShitAdelaide
Anyway, plenty of environmental types are recommending that those of us in areas koalas are known to frequent should leave some bowls of water out in a nice shady spot. One couple who were stoked they were home when a mother koala and its baby rocked up to say hello is Tom and Nat Parsons.
They posted some video on the S**t Adelaide Instagram page and spoke to the Daily Mail about the visit. “These two koalas, mum and baby, were looking hot and frazzled. It was heartbreaking to see them in this state but we’re glad they were here early in the morning when we could help.”

Credit: ShitAdelaide
Nat reckons they’ve been seeing them more and more and the community always does what it can to help out. In the video, you’ll see the two koalas at the gate, and deadset, they look like they’re f**ken fanging for a beverage. Considering it was 46 degrees on the day, it’s no bloody wonder. Thankfully, these legends were on-hand to help quench their thirst.
F**ken good on ya, Tom and Nat. You’re a pair of legends.

Credit: ShitAdelaide
Final thought: Our koalas have been in the news a bit lately, and that can only be a good thing. The more of us who get behind the little bastards and support ‘em, the better their chances of survival, so, although we rarely do this sort of s**t, if you want to do everything you personally can to ensure their survival, contact your local minister and tell ‘em to have a bloody word.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s classic commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Koala in a Car
Video Link: ShitAdelaide