The internet went crazy after this gun safe was cracked using a juice bottle
One of the things that often seems to pop up in conversations about gun laws – apart from a bajillion American stiffies – is the idea that guns are locked away safely and that no innocent people are gonna be hurt. And that makes sense, because no one can challenge the integrity of a gun safe. Or can they?
Yeah, nah, they can.
That’s exactly what today’s video from the Lock Picking Lawyer is all about. And, in all honesty, the ease with which he cracks this bad boy open is f**ken terrifying.
Seriously, he pops it like a bloody Pez dispenser.

Credit: LockPickingLawyer
Before we go on, though, we know we’re gonna get a tonne of ‘stay in your lane’ comments on the Facebook post. As we’ve said before, we’re all one people and when tonnes of good c**ts are repeatedly hurt and killed because of gun law stupidity, it doesn’t matter where it is, it hurts us all. You blokes feel the pain over our fires, and we feel it over your senseless gun deaths. We’re in this together.

Credit: LockPickingLawyer
Anyway, moving on. Remember as a kid when you’d see if you could pick the lock on the front door with something like a plastic card? You’d just slide it in the gap and see if the door opened because you saw it on a movie somewhere, and it would never bloody work because we take things like the security of our homes seriously.

Credit: LockPickingLawyer
Yeah, well, this gun safe would open. As the Lock Picking Lawyer says, “If we look carefully, we’ll be able to see the spring-loaded locking latch that holds the door closed. Right now, I’m pushing it aside with a lock-pick, but we can also take a slip of plastic, push it in between the frame and the door and push that latch aside while the door is closed.”
Honestly, it sounds like a bold statement, and you’re probably like, “Yeah, bulls**t,” but then he does it. “I took this bottle of orange juice, cut a slip of plastic from the side and we’re gonna try to open this up using my orange juice bottle.”

Credit: LockPickingLawyer
Considering one of old mate’s next lines is, “Let’s try that one more time just to make sure it wasn’t a fluke,” we think you know where this one’s going.
Final thought: Look, we get it. You like guns. We also get that it’s gonna take an awful lot to take them off of some people. Can you please, though, America, just try to make sure you get gun safes that are locked up tighter than Maid Marian in Robin Hood: Men in Tights? Please?
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: WTF Happened in 2019
H/T: Lock Picking Lawyer.