Credit: ExcelUnusual.com
Bloke figures out how to program a f@#*en moving rollercoaster in MS Excel
Here at Ozzy Man Reviews, we f**ken love creative people. Fair dinkum. And we’re not only talking about traditional creatives either. Nah, no way. We reckon that art is the kinda thing that can manifest anywhere. You might be a brickie with a flair for artful design, you might be a traffic warden with a particularly flamboyant flick of the wrist, or you might be the kinda cheeky f**ker who can make rollercoasters in Excel. No matter where or when you make your art, we think you’re awesome.
And that’s exactly what brings us to this f**ken legend. If you’re anything like us, you pretty much want to fall asleep whenever someone mentions spreadsheets. You might think that s**t’s all about numbers and data, but George Lungu is proving you wrong.

Credit: ExcelUnusual.com
Have a squiz of this awesome rollercoaster he’s designed in Excel, and you’ll never need to go to a theme park again. Yeah, nah, f**k lining up, f**k paying an exorbitant price for dodgy food, and f**k having to go outside. Just make this s**t full screen, turn your fan on full blast and throw your arms in the air, because this s**t’s no different.

Credit: ExcelUnusual.com
F**k, if you really wanted to, you could even set up some ambient crowd noise on your Bluetooth speaker and feel like you’re actually there. Deadset, the possibilities are endless.

Credit: ExcelUnusual.com
Anyway, as you’ll see in the video, Lungu breaks down exactly how you recreate the monster – or just download it for free – and we reckon that makes him a top f**ken bloke. Yeah, nah, in this day and age of social distancing and spicy coughs, you don’t want to go to a real theme park when you can do it for free in the comfort of your own home.

Credit: ExcelUnusual.com
Final thought: Yeah, nah, we love this s**t. We want more, though. We want an old-fashioned pirate ship. We want a f**ken carousel. We want clowns and fairy floss, and even a line simulator. How about you lot?
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Creator Clash
Video Link: ExcelUnusual