Base jumper makes f*cken epic entrance to rooftop pool party
G’day, ya legends. How are ya? Hopefully you’re feeling good and not like you wanna tell some prick to go and jump off a building. However, if you’re feeling a bit like giving someone their marching – and plummeting – orders, you might wanna check this video out. It features a couple of crazy sons of bitches jumping off the Kuala Lumpur Tower in order to gatecrash a party.
F**ken imagine it! One minute you’re sinking a bloody brewski while you consider making your way over to the dance-floor to cut up a rug. Your mates are all like, “f**ken bottoms up, bro. It’s drinking and dancing time!” but before you can knock back your pint, slam back your shot, or neck your carafe of wine some dude parachutes into the f**ken party!

Yeah, nah. Credit: Viralhog
Well, for a select few, they didn’t have to imagine this far-fetched scenario. It bloody well happened. I know, it sounds like total bollocks, but it’s completely f**ken legit. It wasn’t just one bloke either. There were three of the pricks.

F**ken move back from the ledge, ya ledge! Credit: Viralhog
John Van Horne, Matt Frohlich and Andy Lewis made their way to the top of the 417-metre tall Kuala Lumpur tower, the 7th tallest building in the world, and, apparently, couldn’t be arsed waiting for the elevator to get back down.

Haven’t you seen the Simpsons? Credit: Viralhog
Van Horne filmed the epic jump with his headset, and if you’re anything like me, even looking at the bloody height of it on your laptop screen will give you a sense of vertigo. As far as I’m concerned, BASE jumping is a hobby that can just stay in its corner. We put stairs and elevators in buildings for a reason.
Anyway, these daredevils jump from the top of the Kuala Lumpur Tower into a f**ken swimming pool on another building across the way. It’s the bloody big daddy of entrances. Understandably, the people there are stoked by the epic feat.

F**ken splash! Credit: Viralhog
Final thought: I’m sure they were shouted more than a few brewskis for their marvellous efforts, but if we were there, we’d have to shout them one too. They might be crazier than sh*thouse rats, but that’s a feat worthy of a beer from everyone present.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: The Meg