Legend bloke beats scammer at their own game
It’s really quite difficult to narrow down what exactly my favourite things on the internet are, but one thing that’ll always rank high on the list is seeing a scammer copping sh*t from someone they’ve tried to scam.

Credit: Facebook/Paul Gilsdorf
Back in simpler times, people would either fall for the scammer’s bullsh*t or refuse to even respond because the risk of being hacked and having your credit cards stolen was real in the 90s. And what we mean by that is even though it probably wasn’t that real, everyone thought it was.

Credit: Facebook/Paul Gilsdorf

Credit: Facebook/Paul Gilsdorf
Fortunately, these are more cynical times and people aren’t so scared of scammers. By and large, we’ve got them sussed out here in the West, and we’re more likely to hang sh*t on these ‘hard-working’ bozos than we are to fall for their antics.

Credit: Facebook/Paul Gilsdorf

Credit: Facebook/Paul Gilsdorf
With that in mind, have a look at this latest exchange to go viral. The scammer in question, Larry Brown, is trying the old ‘you have to wire me the extortionate delivery fee before I can send you this cash trick.’ Needless to say, it doesn’t work.

Credit: Facebook/Paul Gilsdorf

Credit: Facebook/Paul Gilsdorf
Of course, when he started work in the morning, Larry Brown was not planning on dealing with someone who possessed the marvellous power of the internet and was able to debunk their claims around delivery fees. It’s all downhill for him from there really.

Credit: Facebook/Paul Gilsdorf

Credit: Facebook/Paul Gilsdorf
So when we texted Imgur user Anthony Schillings, he got more than he bargained for. Schillings pointed out the flaws in his plan, and then turned the tables on the would-be scammer with a devastating little sleight of hand that left Larry Brown gobsmacked.

Credit: Facebook/Paul Gilsdorf

Credit: Facebook/Paul Gilsdorf
Have a read of this text exchange. We’re sure you’ll get as much of a chuckle out of it as we did.

Credit: Facebook/Paul Gilsdorf

Credit: Facebook/Paul Gilsdorf
Final thought: These scam-fails are pretty much a genre of their own now. We dunno about you guys, but our mental image of the guys running these clown-shows has changed from rough and tough gangsters who might have operated back in the day, to folks more akin to the Three Stooges.
All in all, well done Paul Gilsdorf, you’re a f*cken legend.
If you’ve turned the tables on a scammer, tell us about it in the Facebook comments.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Sri Lankan Parliament Fail
H/T: Facebook.