F*cken angry cyclist vs f*cken angry driver ends brilliantly
One of our favourite things to do here at Ozzy Man Reviews is watch what happens when one man with an obvious love of initiating conflict winds up another guy who clearly has a little trouble dealing with his anger. All too frequently, the internet, thanks in large part to the proliferation of easily portable cameras and a desire to upload an embarrassing video of anyone who’s ever pissed you off to YouTube, throws up these videos where you – the sensible one – get to sit back, watch two nincompoops humiliate themselves and enjoy the ride. Here’s another one.
Deadset, sometimes you watch YouTube videos and you really do feel like you’re watching the world burn. Have we really become a world that feeds on anger, conflict and hatred? We’d like to say no, and the fact is there’s plenty of redemptive videos out there. If you want those, go find them. Because this one, despite the fact no one comes out of it looking good, is piss-funny.

The car comes a bit close, but y’know, make room Credit: uphillfreewheeler
We’ve got a cyclist with a camera – and as you know, that means they can pretty much do anything they f**ken want, including ride in the middle of the road. So that’s what this bloke does. Could he move over? Probably. Does he? F**k no.

Angry words, but y’know, it’s okay not to confront people who’ve pissed you off. Credit: uphillfreewheeler
Then we have a car. Admittedly, we find out the guy in the car probably needs to take a chill pill and his reactions are more than a little bit over the top, but when the cyclist doesn’t allow for the fact that there’s a f**ken car on the road, the driver goes past a little closer than he should.
This being the internet and the cyclist being a cyclist, he takes umbrage with it. Is he looking for drama? Dunno. The fact he’s got a camera while he’s riding in the middle of the road and chooses to confront the driver suggests that he probably is though…

F**ken here we go. Credit: uphillfreewheeler
From there, things escalate in hilarious fashion. We’re pretty sure the poms call guys like this chavs. We call them bogans. Either way, when old mate finally gets out of his car, ready to give the cyclist the old Liverpool kiss, the cyclist f**ken gaps it. This absolute dumpster-fire of a situation comes to an immensely satisfactory conclusion when the driver gives chase and tries to kick the back tyre.
F**ken have a squiz down below.

F**ken down we go! Credit: uphillfreewheeler
Final thought: Quite often, videos like this one end up on the disappointing side of the equation. Not this time though. Old mate f**ken eats shit. At this stage, it doesn’t matter who’s in the right and who’s in the wrong. He goes tits-up and f**ken axes himself. Good shit!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: When Animals Fight Back 5