Credit: Stinger Creations
Dude finds a giant wasp nest inside creepy abandoned car
Once again, we’re finding ourselves looking at the natural world here on Ozzy Man Reviews. We bloody love it – and we know you do too – so it’s always worth a visit. Particularly when we get to have a good bloody squiz at a natural marvel. And that’s exactly what we’ve got for you today. Deadset, have a look at this wasp’s nest.
For this particular adventure, we’re taking a trip to Louisiana with resident wasp and bee guru, Jude Verret. He’s been called out to a property to investigate a suspected honeybee hive. Of course, Jude’s pretty quick to notice this is no beehive. Yeah, nah, these are yellow jackets and they’ve repurposed a Chevrolet Malibu so that it houses their pretty bloody big nest.

Credit: Stinger Creations

Credit: Stinger Creations
“I got a call on this Malibu, they said they had honeybees. But this is actually Southern Yellow Jackets, which is a paper wasp,” Jude says. “Vespula squamosa is the scientific name. And these nests can get huge. This is a perennial, active yellow jacket nest.”

Credit: Stinger Creations
As you can see by looking at it, it’s pretty bloody impressive. Sure, we all know that wasps rank pretty highly on the ‘animals that are also b**tards’ list, but you’ve gotta give it to ‘em, this is a pretty epic build.
You can see from an initial glance that the cheeky little buggers have almost completely enveloped the passenger seat with their pretty impressive nest, but as Jude points out, they’ve also got into the vents and spread into the footwells in the back.

Credit: Stinger Creations
To be completely honest, it’s pretty reminiscent of the alien hive in Aliens. We’re not sure exactly what happens after, but just as the hive in Aliens was nuked, we reckon that’s about the only solution for this one.
What about you blokes and blokettes?

Credit: Stinger Creations
Final thought: As promised, we get to see yet another natural marvel. We’re not really sure whether we’d keep it hanging around our place, but we wanna know what you blokes and sheilas would have done with it. Let us know in the Facebook comments.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Destination F**ked Compilation 10
Video Link: Stinger Creations