11 year old boy takes car for joyride after mum takes away PlayStation
G’day ya bloody legendary dingbats, how the f**k are ya? Hopefully you’re good, and you’re not spending time in the doghouse with ya mum or ya missus. Of course, we do want you to think back on your life as a young grommet and recall how you were punished when you’d f**ked up. Were you grounded? Did you cop a f**ken flogging? Did you have your sh*t confiscated? Whatever it was, we want to know whether you took your consequences on the chin or whether you sought cold-blooded revenge. The little prick in this video certainly goes for the latter…
This story, which took place in Cleveland, is right up there in the ‘sh*t old dudes say kids never would have done in their generation’ department. It involves a kid – who can’t be named because he’s a kid – and his mother. The kid, who in the spirit of Kevin Bloody Wilson, probably swears a little bit, had apparently been a recalcitrant little bugger.

Credit: 5ABC
His mum, who was doing her job, said, “F**ken that’s it! Your Playstation’s confiscated ya little c-nut. Get your ass to bed.”
But the little rebel didn’t want to go to f**ken bed. He wasn’t tired at all. Yeah, nah, he thought f**k that sh*t and decided to take Mum’s car for a bloody spin. This 11-year-old little rapscallion had the thing moving at 70 miles an hour (about 112 kilometres per hour if you speak f**ken Ozzy) before he ploughed it into a parked truck.

Credit: 5ABC
Unbelievably, Mum, who’d stopped doing her job, had gone to bed shortly after their argument. And we know, we know, you’re thinking that’s a touch judgemental of us, and it f**ken is. The kid’s done this sh*t before. Last year, he took the cops on a 50-mile chase up the interstate and was charged with a felony before the judge decided he wasn’t fit for trial.
And the worst of it? Mum only found out he’d pinched the car when Dad called her, waking her up in the process, and told her he’d seen the little bugger driving the SUV.

Credit: 5ABC
Final thought: Back in my day, that would have been a solid bloody grounding. I’d have had to hand over all me f**ken CDs, and me PlayStation and I’d have had to sit in me room until I was sorry. I wouldn’t have done anything about it either. The old man would have lectured the f**k out of me. How about you blokes and blokettes? How did your punishments go down and how did you respond?
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Instant Karma