Sheila loses her sh*t after bloke refuses to pay for her lobster dinner and $130 bottle of wine
At this stage of our collective evolution, we’re starting to question all sorts of traditional behaviours and cultural practices. Along the way, we’re starting to redefine what exactly equality means – and what it looks like in practice – and there’s no f**ken doubt that dating practices have radically changed from the ones your parents would have engaged in. With Tinder and other online dating apps, people tend to cycle through potential partners much more quickly – and that means we’ve got to question just what a first date should look like…
G’day, ya legends. Here’s a scenario for you: Barry and Sharon have swiped right on each other’s photos. They’ve had a bit of a chat, and despite their barely literate grammar, they’ve decided that seeing as they both think the drag races are fully sick, they’re going to meet up. Should Barry pay for Sharon’s meal? If so, is there a limit to how much he should be expected to spend?
You can answer those questions for us in the comments section on the Facebook post, but it’s probably a decent call to say, ‘Look, Barry’s probably gonna need to go on a few first dates with various sheilas, as is the norm these days. With that in mind, Sharon can pay for her own food and drinks.”
Of course, if a bloke wants to shout his hot date a f**ken big mac and a frozen coke, and the chick’s all right with it, that should be a totally amicable and consensual experience. He shouldn’t push his manliness on her, and in turn, if she’s going to get the extra avocado upgrade on that bad boy, she’d better clear it with Baz first.
Unfortunately, things don’t always work that way. Which is why we end up with text exchanges like the ones you’re seeing in this article. Have a f**ken squiz at it. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that the sheila should have cleared it with the big fella. After all, he ordered the carbonara and she acted like she was dating Tony f**en Stark.
The ensuing confusion has seen the post go viral. But, in giving these guys the benefit of the doubt, it’s important to remember our global culture is in transition. Don’t assume sh*t when you’re meeting new people for the first time. Get things out in the open. That way you don’t end up looking like a moron.
Final thought: All right, this final thought is all about you guys and your opinion. Blokes, sheilas, anyone halfway between, what the f**k do you reckon is the correct protocol? And, oh my God, holy sh*t, who the f**k pays in a same-sex relationship? That’s like double jeopardy or something!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Chameleons