This Bunnings car park has sparked intense debate across the internet
One of the interesting things about owning a motorbike is the ability to park it pretty much anywhere. Of course, with great privilege comes great power, and just because you could, doesn’t mean you should. Apparently. One bloke who’s finding that out is the owner of this motorbike. Yeah, nah, when he parked it at Bunnings, he hit a bit of a snag…
For the context on this one, despite our reputation as a fairly laid-back and chilled-out bunch, we’re not averse to having a bit of a whinge here in Australia. Like the rest of the developed world, we’ve managed to turn the internet into the best place to do that.
So, shortly after finding a nice park that couldn’t possibly see anyone whinging about bloody motorcyclists being rude and selfish c**ts for taking a whole car-park with their piddly little motorbike, someone found a different problem with old mate’s park.
That bloke was a patron of the Australian Disability Parking Wall of Shame Facebook group, and he was having a proper f**ken vent. “He explained to me that motor bikes can park anywhere, even on foot paths. Besides there is no sign saying NO BIKE PARKING! I tried to explain to him how ignorant he was, but it fell on deaf ears.”
Now, what we’ll say here is that if old mate’s been impeded by the motorcyclist and the motorcyclists, gone, “Yeah, nah, f**k ya,” there’s probably some justification for the whinge. But, on the other side of the coin, if it’s not a problem, don’t make it one.
Naturally, debate raged – as did some of the members of the Facebook group – and some people said the bike shouldn’t be there while others said it was perfectly fine.
Have a look at some of these comments and you’ll see what we mean.
Final thought: Yeah, nah, we dunno about this one. We can see both sides of the argument, and we reckon it’s not as cut and dry as it first seems. So, in the interests of fairness, tell us what you reckon. Is the cyclist in the wrong or is old mate just having a bloody sook? Post your thoughts in the comments section. See ya there.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Military Fails