Children in Vietnam have a novel way of getting across river to go to school
No matter where you live, lecturing the kids and grandkids about how bloody difficult your walk to school was is a fundamental human right. We honestly reckon that if you’re a granddad – or a dad – and you’re not bloody well making your walk to school sound like Frodo’s trip to Mordor, you’re doing it wrong. So while the Vietnamese kids in today’s story might be doing it rough, they’re gonna have a bloody good tale later on in life.
Obviously, we’re heading to Vietnam for this one, so take your bloody shots and remember to pack a raincoat. In this video, the wet season is friggen go and it’s raining a bloody deluge. We’re not joking either, the river’s in flood and the bridge is somewhere below the raging torrent.
In most places, the kids would be like, “Aw, bugger. That’s a real shame that is. I was really looking forward to school too.” Not in the village of Huoi Ha, though. Yeah, nah, these kids know their chance of a day off is somewhere between a bee’s dick and a box-hair.
The grown-ups, clearly keen for the kids to piss off for the week, are just like, “Yeah, nah, she’ll be right, mate. We’ll just chuck you in these plastic bags and ferry you across.”
And they bloody well do. Check it out. Usually, in the dry season, there’s a bamboo bridge the kids can use to go backwards and forwards. As soon as the monsoons hit, that s**t is goneski. As a result, the kids are fair dinkum chucked in plastic bags.
Apparently, they used to use a raft, but one bloke was injured when the river was like, “The only place you’re going in that thing is Destination F**ked. Enjoy your trip!”
Fortunately, the plastic bag trick isn’t common. It’s just a ‘special occasion’ kinda deal. A chairman from the Na Sang Commune reckons he’s warned ‘em, but there’s not much else they can do. We have warned local residents of latent risks to travel through the stream by plastic bags, but the swift-flowing water can also sweep rafts away, so they have to choose this way,” he said.
Final thought: You know what; this is the right kind of attitude. Education is bloody important and these cheeky pricks value it. At the end of the day, they’ll end up with all their literacy and numeracy skills – and a grouse bloody story for the grandkids.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Bottle-Cap Challenge Part Two
Video Link: VongNgayXanh Do
H/T: 9GAG.