Credit: Ring.com
CCTV shows bloody legend bang on neighbours door to warn them of fire and helps them evacuate
Mate, we’ve said it on here a thousand times, but people really are bloody awesome. Sure, there are a few wankers out there, but by and large, most people are bloody top blokes and fully grouse sheilas. And why shouldn’t they be? It’s in our nature to be communal animals, and if you’re good to people, you get healthy doses of that good karma folks go on about. Of course, that natural urge to be a bloody legend is never more prevalent than it is when potential danger lurks nearby…
And that’s exactly where we start this bloody video. As you’ll see, the date-stamp puts this video at just a couple of months old. We’re gonna say that just about proves that there are still top blokes and legends here in 2019. Good s**t.

Credit: Ring.com
Anyway, as you’ll tell pretty quickly, the neighbours are pretty bloody keen on waking up the mother inside the house. They’re knocking on the door, they’re rapping on the windows and they’re generally acting like bad guys in The Purge. You don’t have to worry, though. They’re here for good reasons.
When the mum inside the house is finally like, “Uh, can I help you?” old mate is like, “THE HOUSE NEXT DOOR TO YOU IS ON FIRE! YOUR HOUSE IS ALMOST ON FIRE!”
While that would be a dick move if it was just a prank, it’s apparently completely legit. And that makes it the opposite of a dick move. It’s a total not-dick move. As you can imagine, it puts a bit of urgency into the mum’s step.

Credit: Ring.com
She comes to the door and she’s got a rugrat in her arms. She thrusts it at the bloody hero from next door and he runs it to safety. Presumably. The champ even comes back for a second. Then a third. He’s a bloody legend. Putting himself at risk to get Mum and kids out of the house.
The Mum, whose real name is Gladys Castaneda, is obviously pretty grateful to the heroic dude. “I thought it was in my house because I woke up and I saw smoke, so I thought it was initially in my house.”
And that’s not all. According to Gladys, the same guy even got the other neighbour out of his house, probably saving his life. “I spoke to the actual neighbour and he said if he wouldn’t have banged on his window, he would have never made it out. The fire department also said the same thing; if he wouldn’t have been awakened he may not have made it out.”

Credit: Ring.com
What a top bloody bloke!
Final thought: While we don’t know what happened to the property, you’ve got to give it to old mate. He was onto it. Bloody good on him. This beer is definitely his.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Birds of Attitude
Video Link: AZFamily.com