Credit: @Lightskinyogi/TikTok
The invisible car bloke is still fooling people! Here’s how the cheeky legend does it
Mate, if there’s one thing that gets our Ozzy hearts pumping with excitement, it’s f**ken tricky-dicky optical illusion stuff. Yeah, nah, street performers, magic-eye posters, clever bloody videos, whatever. We f**ken love ‘em. And that’s why we love the invisible car bloke. You’ve probably seen him before, but check him out again anyway…
Rightio, props where they’re due, we know this guy has denied a few claims about how he does the whole thing, but that doesn’t matter: it’s all part of the game. And, in fairness, there might be a trick to what he does, but he’s super convincing. Yeah, nah, he’s good.
But, for those of you who’ve scratched your head in wonder and befuddlement while trying to figure out how he does it, we’ve finally got the answer for you. So, if you’d rather not have the illusion spoiled, scroll to the bottom and check out Ozzy’s latest vid.
If you’re genuinely curious, though, bloody Snopes even weighed in on things. Have a f**ken look at this: “The trick to the pzoom is to slide on your butt into frame, do the ignition motion, and then stand up. When you play the footage back in reverse, it looks like you’re driving a little car.”
Now, if you’re wondering about this and the fact that plenty of people tried to use visual clues to catch him out, Snopes elaborated: “The plant should shake when he puts it down on the table, but that’s not what happens. It becomes completely still. That’s because this video is in reverse.”
Still, despite all that, we’ve gotta insist that @Lightskinyogi, the bloke who’s reversed his invisible car all over the internet, is a pretty f**ken good operator. Yeah, nah, deadset. He’s good.
Final thought: This got us thinking…how are you lot at this? Knowing how something is theoretically done is pretty different to doing it in practice. Have you filmed yourself having a crack at this? If you have, share it in the comments section and show us your skills.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s most apt commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Tires
Video Link: Lightskinyogi