Kid tracks down and beats up group of guys who gang bashed him 1 by 1
Maaaaate, this video would make Eric Draven proud. It’d give John Wick a raging boner. It’d give The Bride reason to stand up and clap. It features one kid dishing out serve after serve of karma-flavoured knuckle sandwiches.

Seems reasonable. Credit: worldstarhiphop.com
Here to fill you in is Chuck.
Let’s not waste time providing context because you’ll see it all in the video. Let’s talk instead about the idea of justice. Nowadays, we have a whole system in place to make sure douchebags get what’s coming to ‘em. Unfortunately, we know it doesn’t always work like that.
Quite often, the kind of scumbag who might jump you with his four of his mates suffers no karmic retribution and does no penance for his crimes. In these cases, there’s a school of thought that’s pretty simple. Take matters into your own hands.
Some people give that idea a big yeah-nah. The kid in the video? He gives it a big f**ken ‘king oath, mate!

Now I’m gonna take my thumb… Credit: worldstarhiphop.com
It’s pretty clear he stands no chance to come out on top during the initial attack. His ass, it’s safe to say, is whipped. Is he gonna get ‘em back though? F**K YES he is.
We’re not privy to his training montage. We don’t see him chasing a chicken or going toe to toe with a rack of raw meat, but we do see him track down two of the bastards who jumped him.

Uh yeah, can Sydney come out to play? Credit: worldstarhiphop.com
During both of these revenge attacks you can hear people telling him to stop, but he’s basically, like ‘yeah-nah, this bloke jumped me.’ After that, he proceeds to humiliate his victims. He’s just like, ‘f*** you,’ BANG. ‘F*** you,’ BANG. ‘F*** you,’ BANG.
In one instance, he even goes straight to the bully’s house. That is a ballsy move. Mum comes to the door and she’s like, ‘Oh yeah, Sydney’s in. I’ll send him out to play. He just got a new remote control car for his birthday. I know he wants to show it off to his friends.’
Next minute, she’s watching her darling angel having his arse handed to him in a vicious reprisal. It’s an interesting scenario. I mean, the young fella is flexing for the camera and she’s standing around panicking. Why doesn’t she do something else? If it were my mum she probably would have burned the prick with her cigarette.

Tell yo momma to shut up, biatch! Credit: worldstarhiphop.com
Final Thought: It’s more than a little morally ambiguous, this one. It’ll certainly be interesting to see if our little revenger’s course of action results in his bullies learning their lesson. I wouldn’t bet my house on it though. If anything, I reckon there might be a sequel out before long.
H/T: World Star Hip Hop.