This artist’s painting style perfectly captures what blurry vision is like
Not to come across like a trendy wanker or anything, but one of the great things about art is that it captures the feelings and experiences of different people and presents them to the world. It’s a pretty f**ken lofty ideal, but when it’s done right, it’s bloody awesome – it really is something to savour. With that in mind check out the paintings of Philip Barlow.

Credit: philipbarlow.com / Via Instagram: @philipbarlow
Philip Barlow is either really f**ken good at painting or really f**ken sh*t at it. But seeing as those in the know have informed me that the bloke is deliberately making his paintings look all blurry and it’s a style known as Bokeh, we can assume he’s a bit of a gun.

Credit: philipbarlow.com / Via Instagram: @philipbarlow

Credit: philipbarlow.com / Via Instagram: @philipbarlow
Bokeh is all about creating an aesthetic quality similar to that of a slightly out-of-focus camera. It also captures a fairly lifelike representation of the kind of vision possessed by those who suffer from near-sightedness and astigmatism.

Credit: philipbarlow.com / Via Instagram: @philipbarlow
Barlow takes a picture of his subjects with his camera and then paints them in his own personal style. When asked about his paintings, Barlow says, “The figures in the landscape serve as carriers and reflectors of the light that falls upon them. Bathed in the luminosity, it is my hope that they would become more beautiful. To me, light is the ultimate subject because it embodies the pinnacle of all reality.”

Credit: philipbarlow.com / Via Instagram: @philipbarlow
I’m not even gonna try to translate that. After all, it’s art and if you get it, you get it. If you don’t you can just pretend. Wear a beret, rock a stripy shirt, drink wine and f**ken get amongst it.

Credit: philipbarlow.com / Via Instagram: @philipbarlow
Bearing that in mind, Barlow has an awful lot of followers on Instagram and his work has been showcased in galleries to critical acclaim. That probably suggests that for those in the know, Barlow is f**ken nailing it.

Credit: philipbarlow.com / Via Instagram: @philipbarlow
Still, has anyone considered buying him some glasses? Maybe he’ll start painting within the lines.

Credit: philipbarlow.com / Via Instagram: @philipbarlow
Final thought: Jokes aside, the fact that Barlow consistently recreates such a bloody mesmerising effect with his own unique style is testament to his skill. F**ken good sh*t, Phil. You’re a top bloke and I’d shout you a beer. That’s if you trendy artist types are able to veer away from your wine.
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H/T: Buzzfeed.