Credit: Twitter/Mitch Robinson
Aussie Rules star swims in floodwater and brilliantly overlays Michael Phelps commentary
Here in Ozzyland, we bloody love a larrikin. Obviously, they’re always providing laughs – whether they mean to or not – but they’re just bloody good to have around. Even when times are a bit f**ken how ya goin, a good larrikin can lift your mood, and that’s why we love Brisbane Lions AFL player Mitch Robinson. With floods in Brisbane creating a bit of stress, the legend took to the water to lift the mood, even if he did get himself in a bit of s**t for it.
To be clear, we’re not talking about him getting in trouble. Nah, we’re pretty sure no one’s gonna tell him off for swimming in his own backyard. But, when he filmed himself taking a plunge in floodwater, he might not have known exactly what he was swimming in.
Well, that’s you sorted with gastro, I guess…
— Bamboozled22💉💉💉 (@bamboozled21) February 28, 2022
Hopefully that’s the last of it, and the tides go out! Clean up soon 🤞🏼 pic.twitter.com/exJyz1kjGa
— Mitch Robinson (@MitchRobinson05) February 27, 2022
But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Brisbane – and the rest of South-East Queensland has copped a f**ken deluge in recent days, meaning the Brisbane River, commonly known as the dirty brown snake by locals, busted its banks and made its way into properties everywhere.
No sure I’d want to be swimming anything coming from the brown snake mate. Could be anything in that water
— Damian CHANDLER (@damochandler06) February 28, 2022
I can not tell you how much I shuddered at the scenes of families surfing & splashing about in the murky brown floodwaters in Queensland towns. That murk isn't just mud!! 😬😬😬😬
— lord snooty (@lordsnooty) February 27, 2022
And then Robinson tweeted about his new lap pool. He posted a video wearing his Brissy Lions d-ck togs and swimming in the water as a layered commentary of a Michael Phelps race played.
There’s likely far more than just traces of it 🤢
— Jules 💉💉💉 (@bunny_09) February 28, 2022
lol. Love that game.
— M (@VenturiShade) February 28, 2022
Of course, those in the know are all too aware that when the dirty brown snake floods, it brings a f**kload of bacteria with it. As the Worksafe Queensland website warns, “Environmental conditions after storms and floods increase the risk for infectious diseases” while NSW Health says: “Flood waters contaminated with sewage may carry a range of viruses, bacteria and parasites.”
Yeah that’s full of sewage. You heard it here first… OUT: Robinson (Tetanus, Hep A)
— Jim B (@jimbroson) February 27, 2022
A great way to get pinkeye 🤣@MitchRobinson05
— Nate_Dog (@Nate_Dog) February 27, 2022
And Robinson’s followers were all too quick to tell him. As you can see from some of the tweets posted under his video. Enjoy.
Final thought: Look, we’re sure that bloody Robbo will be fine. He’s a big lad and he can take care of himself. Despite that, we do wanna make sure you’re staying safe out there in the floods. People have f**ken died after getting swept away, there are snakes in there, there are sharks in there, and there are f**ken turds too. Be safe, stay away from the water’s edge, and look out for your neighbours, your friends, and your family.
Always wanted a lap pool! #brisbaneflood pic.twitter.com/inXTn60TOs
— Mitch Robinson (@MitchRobinson05) February 27, 2022
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: EPIC Figure Skating Routine