Metal-head bloke turns uncle’s skeleton into fully functional guitar!

Credit: MetalSucks

Metal-head bloke turns uncle’s skeleton into fully functional guitar!

If you know your metal music, you’ll know that it’s chock-full of skeletal imagery and songs about dead stuff. You’ll also know that the axes wielded by some of the genre’s musicians are gnarly f**ken beasts that look straight out of a torture museum. Still, none of the shredders currently doing the rounds can boast a guitar as metal as the one this bloke’s made out of his uncle’s skeleton. Check it out.

Before we go on and say that this is some straight up Ed Gein s**t, we’re gonna say that it’s not really. We’ll bone you up on the details in a moment, but the first thing you need to know is that when Prince Midnight (yeah, that’s his name) had to find the perfect way to memorialise his uncle Fil’s bones, it wasn’t easy.

Credit: MetalSucks

Credit: MetalSucks

Basically, Uncle Filip’s been gone for a long time. When he was hit by a car, his body was donated to science. For the last twenty years or so, his bones have been used for educational purposes in a college in Greece, but they were recently returned to the family.

Credit: MetalSucks

Credit: MetalSucks

Prince Midnight knew they couldn’t be cremated because Filip was Orthodox Greek, and burial was too expensive. Seeing as Uncle Filip got him into the heavy stuff, he decided there was only one thing to do.

Credit: MetalSucks

Credit: MetalSucks

“I got the box of bones from Greece and didn’t know what to do at first. Bury them? Cremate them? Put them in the attic? All seemed like poor ways to memorialize someone who got me into heavy metal.”

Credit: MetalSucks

Credit: MetalSucks

“I decided to turn Uncle Filip into a guitar, which proved to be challenging. I did a lot of research and no one has ever made a guitar out of a skeleton. So, I did it. I started out consulting with two guys in Dean Guitars’ wood shop in Tampa but they got cold feet.

Anyways, now Uncle Filip can shred for all eternity. That’s how he would want it. I’m super proud of the project and how it serves to honour him, his life and his influence on me.”

Credit: MetalSucks

Credit: MetalSucks

With the guitar created from Filip’s torso, Prince Midnight named it the Filip Skelecaster. You can check out a video of him playing Darkthrone’s Transilvanian Hunger on it below.

Uncle Filip Credit: MetalSucks

Final thought: Yeah, nah, despite the initially morbid tones, it’s kinda cool that this is actually a heartwarming story. Seeing as Uncle Filip was a metal-head, we reckon he probably loves this. And, let’s be honest, if he doesn’t, it’s not like he can do anything about it. Let us know what you reckon in the comments section, but try not to rib Midnight too much.

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Unexpected Outcomes

Video Link: MetalSucks