Credit: ABC News
Female State of Origin fan flashes the camera while reporter does a live cross
Rugby League is a pretty f**ken big deal here in Ozzyland. Yeah, nah, it really is. Don’t get us wrong, it’s biggest in Queensland and New South Wales and other parts of the country belong to different codes, but everyone gets in the mood for the annual State of Origin. For the uninitiated, this is the big one where the two fore-mentioned states go head-to-head in a best of three contest, and everyone loses their s**t over it.
If you’re not sure what we mean about this, ask the bloody flasher who got her boobs out for an ABC News Report on the Origin. And get this, she did it on neutral ground. Yeah, this time, the neutral match was played in Perth – all the way on the other side of the country, and c**ts were going crazy.

Credit: ABC News
So, spare a thought for the reporter. She didn’t have a clue about it, but as she gave her spiel on the importance of the event for Western Australian Rugby League, a lass came up from behind her, got her boobs out, and whizzed past the camera.

Credit: ABC News
It all happened so quickly that there wasn’t much anyone could do about it, but it’s another in a long run of flashers interrupting NRL events this season. Yeah, nah, we don’t know if it’s because people are all pent up over lockdowns and Covid and just need to express their joy, or what, but it just keeps happening.
There’s no word yet on whether the sheila responsible has been caught, is facing charges, or whether she’s getting away with it, but the video has been going viral online.

Credit: ABC News
While we obviously can’t share the unedited video here, this twitter thread might be of interest to those of you out there with an inquisitive mind.
Final thought: Let us know if you caught this and what you reckon about it. Should the sheila face charges? Is it a sign of things to come? Is NRL a bad influence on society? We don’t know, but we want you to share your thoughts in the comments section. See you there!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Romance Fails