Credit: unknown/littleleafgarden/chonkysuccs
Check out these mintox f**ken succulents!
Yeah, nah, we don’t really talk about plants much here at Ozzy Man Reviews, but maybe we should. Obviously, it wouldn’t mean you’d get less animal stories, or crazy Russian street fights or anything like that; but after having a look at some of these mintox bloody succulents, we’re adamant there’s room for a bit of flora on the site. Check em out…
Now, we’re not gonna say that we won’t bulls**t you here, because if the truth gets in the way of a good yarn, we’ll probably circumvent it, but when we saw that these succulents were doing the rounds, we were like, ‘s**t, must be a slow news day.’

Credit: littleleafgarden/chonkysuccs
Of course, it’s not. There’s f**ken tonnes of s**t going on in the world, but is that supposed to mean we shouldn’t be looking at other cool s**t. No. No, we say. Matter of fact, sometimes a bit of escapism is all right.

Credit: unknown

Credit: unknown

Credit: specialplantsworld

Credit: unknown
Deadset, as long as you don’t forget about the big bad world, it’s totally okay to take a breather, make like an ostrich and stick your head in the sand. And if you don’t have sand, let these pictures of succulents give you a metaphorical shelter from the relentless cascade of horrible s**t 2020 is throwing at us.

Credit: seedscactus

Credit: weibo

Credit: specialplantsworld

Credit: lilplantboss
So, yeah, succulents. These are plants that love a dry climate. As you can tell from the pics, they come in all shapes and sizes as well. Yeah, nah, there’s even ones that look like little f**ken dolphins, and if that’s not rad, we don’t know what it is.

Credit: specialplantsworld

Credit: specialplantsworld

Credit: plantvalley.shop

Credit: kao77neko
Final thought: Anyway, we’re guessing that this story might not be breaking new ground for everyone. So, if you do know all about succulents, f**ken upload some pics of your own. We’re keen to see what you’ve got growing in the backyard. Load up!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Magic Mayhem