Aussie bogan goes viral after he crashed his missus’ car and ran from the cops
One of the joys of growing up is learning from your mistakes. And let’s not beat around the bush here, the average young fella f**ks up an awful lot. That’s normal and that’s okay as long you know how to take your mistakes on the chin and wear them like a big boy. That’s how you learn from them, after all. Of course, one young bloke who’s still got a fair bit to learn is Caleb Camp from Kurrajong in Townsville.
Learning to drive is always an experience. For some of us, we’ve been on the road so long that sh*t’s second nature, but if you’re not well versed in the ways of the road, having a prang can be a lot easier than you’d think. That’s something Caleb found out the hard way.

Credit: Seven News Townsville
“Yeah, I was only driving slow,” he told Seven News, “but yeah, I put me foot down a bit and, yeah, I turned, but I didn’t see a car coming around in here, and I seen him once I turned and, yeah, BOOM, collided. And then, er, yeah, legged it ‘cos I was sh*t scared.”

Credit: Seven News Townsville
If that erudite description of events doesn’t give you the complete picture, we’ll add some extra detail for you. It was his girlfriend’s car, it wasn’t registered, and his attempt to leg it was put to a swift stop by passers-by.
“Yeah, they chased me down and started having a go at me for legging it, and I was like, nah, I’ll come back, yeah, too easy.”

Credit: Seven News Townsville
From there, the only problem left was getting the vehicle towed back to his sheila’s house. There was no way he was paying the $250 towing fee, though. Yeah, nah, f**k that. Instead, they made some quick home repairs and pushed it all the way there.
We’re not sure how impressed his girlfriend was, but the boys in blue were more than slightly miffed. A spokesperson told Channel Seven, “That red vehicle should not have been on the road. It’s unregistered, it’s uninsured, the driver hasn’t got the appropriate licence, and there’ll be another charge coming for his manner of driving as well.”

Credit: Seven News Townsville
Final thought: As we said earlier, there’s an awful lot to be said for experience. Young Caleb doesn’t have much, but we can’t help but feel a little common sense might have done him the world of good. We’ve no idea if his missus knew he was taking the car, but perhaps not drawing attention to himself – and not getting on the road, unlicenced, in an unregistered vehicle – might have been a better option. What a silly duffer!
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