Credit: Facebook/ภูมิมัย พรทอง
Cat destroys 2,400 piece Doraemon figure bloke spent a week building
It’s been a little while since we brought up the fact that cats are complete c**ts here at Ozzy Man Reviews. So, in the interest of you blokes not forgetting that cats are indeed total pricks, we’ve got a timely reminder. This time, it comes to us courtesy of a Thai toy-seller. Have a bloody squiz…
Yeah, look, don’t get us wrong, we love cats. We think they fill a very specific niche in our lives and we’re glad we have them. But, it’d be completely remiss of us not to see them as maverick pets that can turn on you at any second. Yeah, nah, it’s almost like their role in life is to remind us that the ones you love can f**ken betray you at any moment.

Credit: Facebook/ภูมิมัย พรทอง
And that must be exactly how this Thai bloke – whose name we unfortunately don’t know – felt when the store-cat annihilated a 2,432 piece Doraemon figure he’d painstakingly built over the last week. To make matters worse, the figure was built to a deadline. The client expected to have it in his possession by New Year’s Eve.

Credit: Facebook/ภูมิมัย พรทอง
In a series of photos detailing the destruction, the toy worker – albeit via Facebook translation and then tidied up by us – said, “Damn cat!! I spent a week building this f**ken thing so a customer could have it before the new year. The little prick s**tmixed it and sent it to Destination F**ked! I’ll kill it!”

Credit: Facebook/ภูมิมัย พรทอง

Credit: Facebook/ภูมิมัย พรทอง
As you can plainly see, the cat might be a total c**t, but it’s also really really cute. Look at it there, rolling amidst the destruction with those big eyes and that ‘come pet me’ face. As people in the comments section pointed out, how can you stay mad at it?

Credit: Facebook/ภูมิมัย พรทอง

Credit: Facebook/ภูมิมัย พรทอง
For what it’s worth, there are a few unanswered questions here. We don’t know whether or not old mate completed the rebuild in time, or whether he forgave the cat for its dick move. Nevertheless, it still stands that cats, well, you know what cats are…
Final thought: It’s almost like this is the trade-off with keeping a cat. You know that when it’s affectionate and loving, it’s almost as good as a dog. Almost. You get to enjoy that companionship and love, but you also have to deal with its destructive moods. Any of you out there in the comments section with cats will undoubtedly know the feeling. So…share your pics in the comments section and let us see the damage!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Yoga Fails
H/T: 9GAG.