2020 might be rubbish but the dude with the sign is back and better than ever

Credit: Dudewithsign

2020 might be rubbish but the dude with the sign is back and better than ever

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, we’re gonna hazard a guess and say you’ve probably seen banner boy here, aka Dudewithsign, getting around the internet. Yeah, nah, he’s a master at protesting the small stuff with his signs. And, to be honest, we love that. Not everything has to be a huge drama, but sometimes the seemingly mundane annoyances need to be called out too. Anyway, these days he’s still going strong, even if he has to do it in a mask.

Rightio, ya big bloody legends, as we’ve suggested, you’ve no doubt seen pics of this bloke before, but you’d probably be forgiven for thinking he’d f**ked off and left us to a world without the chuckles his seemingly petty complaints deserve.

Credit: Dudewithsign

Credit: Dudewithsign

Credit: Dudewithsign

Still, while we’re saying the complaints are seemingly petty, it’s pretty f**ken difficult not to agree with him. Well, at least sometimes. The fact is, the bloke seems to know exactly how to call out bulls**t that doesn’t really harm anyone, but it well and truly worthy of disdain.

Credit: Dudewithsign

Credit: Dudewithsign

Credit: Dudewithsign

Yeah, nah, in the past you might have seen him whinging about people wearing band t-shirts when they’ve never listened to the band on the f**ken shirt. That’s a complaint we’re right behind, but in 2020, he’s still keeping it real with amusing little whinges that plenty of people need to hear.

Credit: Dudewithsign

Credit: Dudewithsign

Credit: Dudewithsign

Dudewithsign – or Seth – has got a pretty solid Instagram page with almost seven-and-a-half-million followers, so plenty of you are probably across it, but he’s railing against TikTok, careless movie trailers, the heat, video calls and tonnes of other s**t.

Credit: Dudewithsign

Credit: Dudewithsign

Credit: Dudewithsign

Have a squiz at these and give the bloke a follow.

Final thought: Yeah, nah, as we mentioned, it’s hard not to get behind some of these whinges. Still, let us know which ones are your favourites. Hit up the Facebook comments with your thoughts. And, for what it’s worth, take some of his advice. Yeah, nah, he’s spot on more than half the time.

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Personal Space