‘Africa’ by Toto is playing on an endless loop somewhere in the Namibian desert
When it comes to absolute f**ken bangers, anyone with even an ounce of nous doesn’t even bother looking at tunes from our modern era. Sh*t, most people know you go straight past the early 2000s, straight past the 90s and into the 70s and 80s for a large percentage of the good stuff. Sitting there, like a proud chief, is Toto’s all-time classic, Africa. You show us a bloke who reckons they can’t get into it and we’ll show you someone who hasn’t heard the chorus.
Anyway, we digress. By now, it’s widely accepted that Africa has reached cult status. Was it always as popular as it is now? We’re not sure, and to be honest, we don’t really care. What we know for a fact is that for some reason, the song is more popular than Friday beers.
Deadset, the video has been viewed some 440 million times on YouTube. That’s a lot of listens for a song that was written, recorded and released before YouTube was even a thing. To celebrate its enduring popularity, a German/Namibian artist by the name of Max Siedentopf has installed a solar-powered stereo system in a secret location in the Namibian desert and the song plays on eternal repeat.

Credit: Columbia Records
He told the BBC, “I wanted to pay the song the ultimate homage and physically exhibit ‘Africa’ in Africa. Some Namibians love it and some say it’s probably the worst sound installation ever. I think that’s a great compliment.”
With the solar power and the fact the one song is set to repeat, Max hopes the song will continue to play for the duration of human history. “Most parts of the installation were chosen to be as durable as possible, but I’m sure the harsh environment of the desert will devour the installation eventually.”
We reckon that’s a fitting tribute for a tops f**ken song. We also reckon more location-based songs should get the same treatment. Take GANGgajang for example. Sounds of Then could easily go on an endless loop in the Ozzy outback. F**ken get to it, Ozzyland!

Credit: Columbia Records
Final thought: This is just great. We hope that years from now, some explorer stumbles across Max’s set-up and realises what a f**ken classic he’s listening to. Good sh*t, Max. Good sh*t, Toto.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Best Gymnastics Routine Again