Some of the best gold-medal memes doing the rounds this Olympics
Lately, we’ve been coming back to memes an awful lot. We don’t know why. We’ve tried to analyse it in the past, but the real secret is that they’re just great. With that said, let’s check out some of the best ones doing the rounds now that the Olympics are back on the screen. Check ‘em out.
Yeah, nah the Olympics. This one is understandably a bit different to past Olympics. Again, we don’t know why. It might be the Covid, it might be the sports on offer, or it might just be Japan. Fair dinkum, Japan just seems to do everything well, and we like that. F**ken good shit, Japan.

Credit: unknown

Credit: whens-lunch

Credit: Unknown
Anyway, getting back to it, as so many memes and comments lately are pointing out, there’s just something amazing about watching the world’s best athletes f**ken killing it in real competition.

Credit: unknown

Credit: Twitter/@svershbow

Credit: Unknown
And here’s the amazing thing: not only is much of the world still living under lockdown, but these legends have maintained their f**ken skills and prowess. That s**t is not easy when you can’t go anywhere. Yeah, nah, dedication.

Credit: Twitter/@joeheenan

Credit: Twitter/@mollymulshine

Credit: Twitter/@datoism
Anyway, the memes. As you can see, there’s a solid mix of classic formats and new photos. It’s a good bunch of memes and we’ll give ‘em all gold medals. And that brings us to the creators of these memes.

Credit: Twitter/@michaelharriot

Credit: Guesthy

Credit: Twitter/@simoncholland

While the athletes are out there putting on a show, these guys get to shape the way we think about these athletes. They get to capture moments in time and really relate the sporting wonder into terms us mere mortals can understand.
That’s a f**ken winning move in our opinion.
Final thought: We’re gonna keep it simple this time. Just f**ken share some of the memes you’ve loved from these Olympics in the comment section. You can do it, team!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man & The Rock & Emily Blunt GUESS THE JUNGLE CREATURE