Sheila farts in her boyfriend’s face while attempting TikTok challenge!


Sheila farts in her boyfriend’s face while attempting TikTok challenge!

Whether you call ‘em farts, fluffs or straight-up flatus; there’s no denying that farts are funny. Deadset, get a bunch of blokes and sheilas who speak different languages together, and it’s a safe bet that if one of them lets rip, the others will have a bloody good chuckle. And never mind that bollocks that blokettes don’t beef. If you’ve got a missus or a mum, you’ll know they can rip material with the best of the blokes. If you don’t believe us, check out this video…

Rightio, ya big bloody legends. Meet Kendra and Joe. These two are a trendy young couple from North Carolina, and when they saw the TikTok cartwheel challenge, they thought they had that s**t in the bag.


Now, the cartwheel challenge is one that sees one person hold the other upside down while they jump from side to side. While that sounds pretty full-on, bloody Joe didn’t take into account the danger posed by Kendra’s cloaca. Yeah, nah, it was ready to unleash the thunder.

Right as Kendra went for her second pass, she f**ken blew out her back-end and fired out a massive fart that would have left Joe’s nostrils quivering in pain and his eyebrows singed. Fair dinkum, that thing sounds like it was squeezed out of a stepped-on duck.

Bloody Joe reels in disgust as the blast of brown air bugles its way into his face, and you can’t blame him. That thing sounded like it could have woken the neighbours.


And you know what, we reckon she meant it. Have a look at that face. We see you working Kendra, and we respect your efforts. Let Joe think you’re trying to complete the TikTok challenge when you’re really letting him know who’s boss.

We’re not sure how we would react if our sheilas did this, but apparently, Kendra reckons Joe loved it. “At first he was shocked and thought it was gross, but later on found it very funny after watching the video,” she said.


Yeah, nah, sounds like you’ve found Joe’s fetish, Kendra. Lucky you.

Final thought: Yeah, nah, in our experience, the sheilas play innocent, but while we might go around trumpeting our wares and making out we’re the masters of the fart-game, they’ve got our number. When they play, the game comes to a rapid end and someone’s gotta strike a match. If you know what we’re talking about, name and shame your misso in the comments section. She’ll love you for it.

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Greatest Show Dog Ever Returns

Video Link: Caters/@KendraColwell2