Credit: Lassi Rautiainen/Hot Spot Media
Photographer Captures the Real-life Jungle Book
If you don’t know by now that bloody wildlife stories really get our juices flowing, you should. We love ‘em. We lap that s**t up. Yeah, we fair dinkum can’t get enough of it. So when we found out that a bear and a wolf were chilling like villains in the wilds of Finland, we were like, F**K YES, NATURE, F**K YES! Yeah, nah, the only way to describe this furry friendship is with one beary good pun: Seriously, these mates are bloody ursome even if no one knows howl long they’ve been hanging out!

Credit: Lassi Rautiainen/Hot Spot Media
Rightio, as mentioned above, we’re heading all the way to the land of the Finns for this one. That’s exactly where Lassi Rautiainen, a Finnish photographer stumbled across the two mammalian mates. Apparently, they share their food, enjoy romantic views together, and hang out for hours on end.

Credit: Lassi Rautiainen/Hot Spot Media
Lassi photographed them hanging out together for a period of about ten days, and we dunno about you blokes, but we reckon the photos are bloody bonza! “No-one can know exactly why or how the young wolf and bear became friends,” Lassi reckons. “I think that perhaps they were both alone and they were young and a bit unsure of how to survive alone.”

Credit: Lassi Rautiainen/Hot Spot Media
Of course, a partnership like this should definitely make survival a bit easier on the unlikely pair. Imagine having to face off against a wolf and a bear in the same fight! Yeah, nah, we’re pretty sure not even the drunkest Russian’d be game to take on that challenge.

Credit: Lassi Rautiainen/Hot Spot Media
Still, as Lassi says, it’s a pretty friggen awesome sighting and we shouldn’t spoil it by imagining things like that. Instead, we should listen to Lassi and focus on what matters here, the beautiful friendship these two creatures share.

Credit: Lassi Rautiainen/Hot Spot Media
“When I realised that no one had observed bears and wolves living near each other and becoming friends in Europe, I concentrated more and more on getting pictures to show what can happen in nature. Then I came across these two and knew that it made the perfect story. It’s very unusual to see a bear and a wolf getting on like this. It is nice to share rare events in the wild that you would never expect to see.”

Credit: Lassi Rautiainen/Hot Spot Media
Deadset, Lassi. It is bloody nice. Good stuff, mate.
Final thought: Honestly, we reckon this is proper awesome. It just goes to show that everyone needs a mate from time to time and that there’s no point thinking that you can’t be friends with someone who looks different to you. As we said above, F**K YES, NATURE, F**K YES!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Captain America V Captain America
H/T: Daily Mail.