Sheila has shared her cheap hack to stop spiders coming in her house
As you know, we’ve got some pretty bloody heinous spiders here in Ozzyland. Don’t get us wrong, we’re not trying to brag, but we’re pretty proud of our eight-legged friends. Still, we can’t claim to be the only place in the world with spiders and the need to keep them outside. Take the Poms for example. They too have spiders. And, believe it or not, they want them to get the f**k out too. Now, one Pommy sheila has revealed a cheap as chips technique for making that happen…
Seriously, if you’re wondering just what kind of spiders there are in Pommyland and why you’d bother to keep them out, just know that they do have spiders. Deadset, they’ve got the Daddy Long Legs, the Cucumber Spider and the one that Metro describes as a ‘nightmare’, the buzzing spider. That one grows to about 7mm, so, you know, they’re pretty scary.
When you consider there are plenty more spiders there, some of which can reach 15mm, you’ll know why the Poms are so worried about their spiders. With that in mind, meet Sylvia Crawford. This legendary lass has figured out a mint way to keep spiders out of the house that won’t break the bank.
In a post on Pommyland’s Extreme Couponing and Bargains Facebook group, she said, “”Had leftover packet of mint and small amount of cleaner left. Chopped mint and added to anti-bac cleaner and filled with water. Sprayed under window sill outside and around the door. I watched the spiders run as I sprayed. They hate mint right enough. Some people use essential oils but I just thought I would use up what I had.”
And, yeah, believe it or not, spraying this stuff around the windows worked. To be fair, we’d probably want to stay away from any house that’s been coated in a mint solution, but we reckon the Pommy spiders might not be trying hard enough.
Can you imagine trying that here? You’d have a bloody funnel-web spider rock up with a leg of lamb for din dins or you’d get a visit from a redback that needed to clean its teeth before heading back to its spot under the dunny-lid.
Final thought: Obviously, we’re taking the piss a bit here, and if you are worried about spiders, this might be a bloody good way to keep them at bay. What we really like about it is that it’s a deterrent and not a way to kill them. If you’ve got a technique like that of your own, let us know in the comments section.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Cats Being Dodgy