Credit: Austin Miles Geter
Parents left stunned after dad posts clever sleep trick online
Yeah, nah, we know that when the internet promises you a life hack, you’ve got every right in the world to be dubious, but we know that after lockdown, plenty of you blokettes in the comments section are gonna find yourselves with Covid babies. Yeah, let’s face it, there’s not much else to do once you’ve binge-watched everything on Netflix, so you might as well get down to business. Anyway, once you’ve got a baby, you’re gonna need to know how to get it to sleep…
And as easy as that s**t sounds in principle, anyone who has a kid will tell you that it can be a bloody nightmare. Of course, you’re also gonna be told a million stories from people who’ve read the bloody textbook, learned from experience, or just lucked onto an effective method that there’s only one way to get the little tin-lid to nap.

Credit: Austin Miles Geter
We’re calling bulls**t. Yeah, nah, there’s loads of ways, and you’ve gotta find the one that works for you and your offspring. What you might consider, though, is a bit of evidence from a random bloke on the internet.

Credit: Austin Miles Geter
Deadset, if you can get good information about raising kids anywhere, it’s the mouths of strangers on the internet. Don’t worry, though, we won’t stitch you up with someone who doesn’t have any proof.
So for this little how-to guide, we’re gonna take you to Facebook Dad Austin Miles Geter. He’s got his s**t figured out.

Credit: Austin Miles Geter
“I heard,” he says in the video, “that if you gently rub their eyebrows they’ll go to sleep, so I’m gonna try it.”
And would you f**ken believe it? In about thirty seconds, his previously sleepless spawn is out like a light. Check it out.

Credit: Austin Miles Geter
Final thought: The only fair thing to do here is open up the comments. If you’ve got stories to help the future Covid-parents of the world get their progeny to take forty winks, load ‘em up. See ya there, ya big bloody legends!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: The Boys Season 2 Scene 1
Video Link: Austin Miles Geter