Blokes create world’s worst Airbnb and people actually book it
If you’ve ever stayed AirBNB, you’ll know that it can be an interesting experience. It is, of course, possible to get awesome s**t on there, but, at the same time, it’s possible to get something pretty f**ken crap. Still, a couple of lads from London thought they’d be able to make the worst AirBNB of all. Regardless of whether or not they achieved their goal, people still tried to book it. Check it out…
All right, ya big bloody bewdiful legends, it’s been a while since we went travelling, but today, we’re doing it vicariously. Yeah, nah, we’re heading to the exotic locale of North London and checking out the Null Stern Hotel of London.

Credit: Passion Squad/SWNS
Don’t get your hopes up, though, this isn’t one of those fancy joints with carpet, walls, or a ceiling. Yeah, nah, this is the place designed to be the ‘worst on AirBNB.’ Basically, it’s a bed, a bedside table, and a lamp in the middle of a field in North London.

Credit: Passion Squad/SWNS
The blokes who built it are Rhys Simmons, Jamie Kamaz and Hitchin. You might know them from their YouTube channel, Passion Squad. They use the site to upload videos of their pranks and antics, and according to Rhys, on this occasion, they “came together to create the worst AirBNB ever seen.”

Credit: Passion Squad/SWNS
He reckons, “We gathered together a load of items we found on FB for free to assemble a terrible AirBNB experience. But to our surprise when we uploaded this thing on to AirBNB, we had an insane amount of interest for people to come and stay within our establishment.”

Credit: Passion Squad/AirBNB
Despite the bookings, though, Rhys says they didn’t actually take anyone’s money. Still, he does reckon he’s pretty proud of their accomplishment, and considering they just got a bunch of free s**t off Facebook and set it up in a field, you’ve got to give credit where it’s due.

Credit: Passion Squad/SWNS
“This was an insane accomplishment. To create the worst AirBNB in the world and then get a crazy amount of requests to stay is something that we will never forget. You never know, we may have to open this thing up for full-time business!”

Credit: Passion Squad/SWNS
Final thought: This has got us wondering about your AirBNB experiences. Load your comments up and give us all a laugh. Let’s see who’s got the worst deal of them all!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Russian Airports
Video Link: Passion Squad