Elephant caught carefully climbing over wall in a remarkably human way

Credit: Kennedy News/Ian Salisbury

Elephant caught carefully climbing over wall in a remarkably human way

Bloody mangoes. Honestly, here in Australia, we reckon they’re s**t-hot. Like seriously. Every year, the first tray of mangoes sold in Queensland gets sold for silly money, and kids everywhere raid neighbourhood trees as soon as the season kicks in. So, when we heard that a big bloody elephant had gone to extraordinary lengths to score himself some of the juicy bloody fruit, we could relate. Check out his efforts down below…

For this adventure, we’re heading on safari, so grab your bloody khakis and let’s get a move on. Specifically, we’re heading to Zambia, and the Mfuwe Lodge in South Luangwa National Park.

Once we get there, we’ll meet expat pom, Ian Salisbury, the park’s general manager, and he’s gonna tell us all about the cheeky elephant and his failed attempt to steal mangoes.

Credit: Kennedy News/Ian Salisbury

“He just chose the most direct route and made himself right at home,” Ian says. Matter of fact, this big bloody bull elephant was so keen on raiding the mango tree that he didn’t even bother walking around to the front entrance. He just climbed the wall. Of course, he looked like the stereotypical fat kid when he did it, but he climbed it all the same.

Credit: Kennedy News/Ian Salisbury

Unfortunately for the elephant, he ended up disappointed. Mango season in Zambia is long-gone. “He was obviously quite hungry and expected to get some wild mangoes for himself, though there aren’t any left now. That’s all done with for the year. He came and stretched over, had a look around, ate a bit of grass, then strangely turned round and came back the same way, which was quite amusing.”

Credit: Kennedy News/Ian Salisbury

As we mentioned, it was that method of getting into and out of the property which has been turning heads. “His easiest way of getting there was to climb over this high wall. It’s really unusual behaviour for an elephant to climb so high. His easiest way of getting there was to climb over this high wall. It’s really unusual behaviour for an elephant to climb so high.”

Credit: Kennedy News/Ian Salisbury

Credit: Kennedy News and Media

Final thought: As you know, we’re always saying that Mother Nature never ceases to disappoint. We’re happy to admit that’s not completely true given that the elephant didn’t get to munch down on any of the delectable fruits, but the wall climb more than makes up for it, don’t ya reckon?

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Tennis Tantrums