Credit: Ben Colclough
The Goldeneye 007 unreal engine 4 remake is looking f*@#en awesome!
Nintendo 64’s timeless James Bond game, Goldeneye is a game that’s still remembered very, very fondly by those who had the joy of playing it back in the day. S**t, considering it originally saw release back in 1997, it’s not a stretch to say that it’s also found fans in younger generations thanks to the proliferation of ROMS and hand-me-down 64s. Matter of fact, the game’s still got so many fans that one of them is recreating the game for a modern generation and planning on releasing it for free…
The dude in question is 3D artist Ben Colclough. Before we go any further, let’s take a moment to just appreciate Colclough for his altruistic attitude and bonza idea. He’s literally recreating the game from scratch by using the Unreal Engine 4. When he’s done, he’ll have rendered gorgeous new visuals and enhanced textures and effects while keeping the gameplay and maps true to the original.

Credit: Ben Colclough
Honestly, this has to be taking the bloke hours and hours of his time. That makes his idea of releasing the end product as freeware even better. His version of the game, which will be called Goldeneye 25 in honour of the original Rare game’s 25th birthday has already received high praise.

Credit: Ben Colclough
David Doak, a developer who used to work with Rare called Colclough’s efforts “Kyrgyzstantastic,” but Colclough is quick to point out that “this game is a work in progress and there are many unfinished assets.”
Despite that, the video footage Colclough has already released (such as a preview of the Facility level) looks sensational.

Credit: Ben Colclough
So, yeah, as long as no one comes and issues Colclough with a cease and desist, it looks like those who never got to experience the thrill of playing a game that’s still rated as one of the best ever are going to get to play a shiny new version of it.

Credit: Ben Colclough
You’ve gotta love that.
Final thought: Seriously, we love this reworking of old titles to make them more apparent and playable by today’s standards. Don’t get us wrong, modern games are bloody grouse and all that, but for those of us who’ve reached a certain vintage, there’s a lot to be said for the classics.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Cats Being Dodgy
Video Link: Ben – DE25 DEV