Credit: Ocean Vuong/Instagram
Poet dragged by Aussie kids after his work came up on their final exams!
Anyone who’s finished high school knows there’s a reason why kids hate the final exams. Sure, they’re the gateway to the glory of life after school, but they’re also f**ken hard and they often contain more than a few curveballs. For the kids finishing school in the Aussie state of New South Wales, this year’s HSCs (final exams) featured work from acclaimed author Ocean Vuong, and it’s safe to say they weren’t happy.
Yeah, nah, in the true spirit of the 21st century, the little buggers quickly took to the internet, finding Vuong online and giving him hell for his work, telling him they were gonna fail because of him and that it was confusing as f**k.

Credit: Ocean Vuong/Instagram
Fortunately, Vuong took it all in his stride, and saw the funny side of it. The Vietnamese-American author’s novel On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous was used in the English assessment, and considering the plot has a non-linear text, expressive language and abstract ideas, you can’t really blame the kids for being a bit bewildered by it.
One young bloke took to Vuong’s Insta to ask, “BROOO FFFSSS FAM we gonna fail because of u now why did you make that text!”

Credit: Ocean Vuong/Instagram
Another followed up with the far more simple question, “wat was it bout?” and while we’re aware it’s the internet and in a lot of circles, the rules of traditional spelling don’t apply, we hope they didn’t write on their exam like they did on his insta.
Yeah, nah, deadset, if they did, they’ve got bigger problems than not understanding the text.

Credit: Ocean Vuong/Instagram
Still, the best comment came from a Mum. “Can you send me more information?” she asked. “My son tried to write about your text today and he still didn’t know what it’s about.”

Credit: Ocean Vuong/Instagram
In return, Vuong shared the comment on his Insta stories, commenting that the Moms were ‘digging hard in his DMs!’ He followed up by asking, “Don’t y’all have spark notes in Australia?”

Credit: Ocean Vuong/Instagram
Final thought: Yeah, nah, we live in a world of instant gratification, and if this shows us one thing, it’s that these children were left inspired to find out more, and that makes education the real winner here. Yeah, nah, these guys are lifelong learners and they gave it a fair crack. Regardless of whether they passed the exam, they’ll be right. Fair dinkum, the kids’ll be right.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Baboon Bites Bum