Credit: Kennedy News and Media
Bloke weighs his ‘kid-size’ 6oz steak under the table and shames restaurant
Getting what you paid for is a pretty universal concept. Still, some people take it much more seriously than others. The bloke in this story, for example, is f**ken adamant that when he orders a 6oz steak, he gets a 6oz steak. And get this, if he thinks you’re trying to rip him off, he’ll f**ken weigh it in front of you. Check it out…
All right, ya big bloody bewdiful legends, how ya going? Before we get started we’re gonna say that we’re not sure where we stand on this one. There’s been a bit of debate online, and while we agree technically, there’s just something that feels wrong about it. We’ll ask you what you reckon later, but for now, let’s get to the meat of the story.

Credit: Kennedy News and Media
This one happened at Texas Roadhouse in Pueblo, Colorado, on a young bloke named Antonio’s birthday. As he explains it, “It’d been my birthday. I ordered the ribs and steak. I got a 6oz steak and when they brought it, it looked really small.”
Yeah, nah, that s**t’s frustrating as f**k. Nevertheless, Antonio wasn’t just gonna let it happen. “I told the manager and waiter,” he said. “They didn’t believe me that it didn’t look right. I went with my mum, dad, girlfriend and my brothers and my two stepdaughters. They were laughing. My dad said ‘go get that scale we just got’. I grabbed it and I did ask permission. I made sure I asked the main manager because I would have felt disrespectful doing that if I hadn’t.”

Credit: Kennedy News and Media
Sure enough, the little bugger was right. “It weighed 3.6oz. The waiter was like ‘oh, it’ll weigh 4oz or 5oz’. I said ‘no, this looks small. It looks like a children’s meal’. I’d ordered an adult meal. That was the first time it’d happened, but then again I hadn’t thought about weighing it before. I never knew steak shrunk. I guess it does a little bit, but it shouldn’t shrink that much.”

Credit: Google/Texas Roadhouse
Of course, the restaurant then did the right thing by him. They made him a new steak, having the master chef bring it out. Apparently, they even gave him a discount too, and why wouldn’t they? Couth or not, he’d made ‘em look pretty silly.
From there, he named and shamed the restaurant and claimed others should do the same. Still, not everyone agreed, with one commenter claiming it was a ‘Karen’ move and that the weight refers to the steak before they cook it.

Credit: Google/Texas Roadhouse
Final thought: Yeah, nah, like we said above, we technically agree that he should get what he’s paid for and that does seem a bit on the small side. Despite that, it’s a bit bloody cringeworthy. So, is he right or wrong? Is this something you would do? Let us know in the Facebook comments.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Snake V Mice